I collapsed in tears from sheer exhaustion. Had an emotional breakdown and ended up in hospital.
You Must Push, Push, Push To Accomplish More, More, More
by The wanderer 37 Replies latest jw friends
I collapsed in tears from sheer exhaustion. Had an emotional breakdown and ended up in hospital.
Same here. Drove myself to the hospital with a bp reading of 241/104.
That's the essence of the issue it is industrial psychology applied by many companies the idea is to never give the satisfaction to someone of having done enough so that they will always be motivated to do more.
It makes for a very cold and unloving environment which is at the root of much JW disaffection. It is depressing to never be aknowledged and rewarded for the work done. That's one massive clue that we are dealing with a business here and not a religion let alone the one and only true religion.
Did you feel there was allot of pressure to “push, push, push to do more, more, more?”
I think we all know the answer to that: The answer is "Yes". That's what cults do. They try keeping you so damn busy that you don't have time to stop and think----you're just on a never ending treadmill going nowhere.......The real killer is that while they're always bugging you to do more for the Borg, you're still expected to work to support your family, make it to ALL the meetings, prepare for all the meetings, Service at least once a week, preparing for Service.......when you factor in the time you have to spend getting ready for the meetings, and getting there before and after the meetings, I figure you're expected to put in about 20 hours a week to them:
Sunday: 8:30am - 12:30pm Study WT and then get you and your family ready. Out the door, socialize before the meeting starts. Even if you leave right after, you're not home before 12:30pm
Monday night: Family study: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Tuesday night Bookstudy: 6:00 - 9:00pm (this includes studying beforehand, attending the meeting and talking afterwards)
Wednesday (service in the morning if you're a sister.....takes a minimum of 3 hours of your day right there). Preparing for Thursday night: 1 hour.
Thursday night Ministry School: 6:00pm - 10:00pm. This includes getting ready, out the door, talking afterwards. This does not include if your poor hubby's an elder and has an elder's meeting afterwards.
Friday (you might actually have this night free if you get up early the next morning and read the mags over for Service)
Saturday morning: 9:00am - 12:00 noon (Service)
So it's not just 3 - 5 hours a week. In reality, you're spending a MINIMUM of 16 - 19 hours a week doing just the bare minimum. This doesn't include elders having to deal with problems going on in the congregation, preparing for a talk or 'personal study' which you're supposed to do in addition to holding a full time job, commuting, shopping, fixing things around the house and doing all the regular stuff that families do. No wonder so many elders have breakdowns and everyone's depressed. Even if you do all these things, you're then made to feel guilty for not doing even more.
Friday (you might actually have this night free if you get up early the next morning and read the mags over for Service)
Then again, if Ted Jaracz sees this, he might just find a way to fill that in with more service. For instance, they might just start insisting that, unless you get up for street work on Saturday at 5:30 in the morning, you are a horrible rotten scum that might as well be wiped off the face of the earth. There goes that free night. And the scumbag might decide that people should be working in the misery that night by writing letters and phone calls.
Miiiiiini Wheeeats Wheats Wheats...
R the Wanderer,
Yes, yes and yes. In fact, the Sunday talk that triggered my simply getting up and walking away forever was a work harder, faster, do more and you'll just be happy talk. I didn't feel happy - I felt dead inside. Even when I pioneered, I felt isolated and alone and agenda driven. My best was never good enough.
It's so good to be free, isn't it?
Alligator Wisdom
Yes, the WTS company are guilty of making those in the congregations feel as if they weren't doing enough.
However, I learned that it doesn't matter what the publishing corporation thinks and insinuates. I had gotten trapped into that thinking myself before. But I ALLOWED that thinking to influence me and then I started to feel guilty. In reality, I was trusting in myself or trusting in others too much. That is what was damaging to me. What I then did was to go to my Father in heaven and to the Head of the congregation and the guilt trip didn't matter anymore.
There are many many many in my congregation and circuit that feel guilty, as they have expressed such to me. They see that I'm not that way or that I never seemed loaded down with the pressure to do more, more, more and to push, push, push. They confide in me and I always would show them from the scriptures that they need not feel that way. I tell them that their thinking allows them to feel that way. I tell them to change their thinking, it would change their life. I find that they are relieved and that they are learning. So, what am I doing about this?
I'm directing them to the true source of comfort and refreshment. Hopefully they will see that the WTS is NOT everything that it seems to be. Only their relationship with their Father through His Son can be.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
The Wanderer. I've had many topics that are sooooooooo similar to your questions. I'm quite flattered.