As The Wanderer Wanders, Minimus Wonders...

by nvrgnbk 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step

    Now, why does this tune come to mind on this thread?

    ....'Hey Yellow gal, can't you tell, you're just the surface of our dark, deep well".

    Curtis Mayfield - "We The People Who Are Darker Than Blue".


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Minimus:

    "BTW, why does "the audience" need a problem to solve? Are you an entertainer and are we your audience?"-minimus

    The audience is presented with a problem to solve
    because the Watchtower and Awake led you to their
    conclusion regarding a matter.

    In other words, the audience is in full control of
    the thread where they are allowed to present their
    perspectives, viewpoints and opinions about matters.

    Psychologically, the question "forces" the individual
    to think about other alternatives, options and other

    This is where an environment of learning can take
    place. This is where the good motivation comes

    No, I am not an entertainer.


    The Wanderer

  • minimus

    You are weird though.

    Respectfully, of course


  • franzy

    those google ads create a nice sideshow.

    "the wanderer dion"
    "u2 the wanderer"
    and then after hs's post
    "dark city"
    "dark ages"

  • nvrgnbk

    You are weird though.

    Respectfully, of course



    TV can't compete with this! LOL!

  • minimus

    LOL! This guy takes himself way too seriously. I'm starting to feel bad for him.

  • changeling

    Guys: I think wanderer is a very sensitive guy who may not "get" your humor. I would hate to have him feel inhibited from posting because of this. He does not hurt or offend anyone, so even if we don't always "get' him I think we should leave him alone.

    This is the "momma bear" in me speaking. I love you all.


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Minimus:

    Though you cross reference our questions as
    being similar our styles are altogether

    For example, I will notice that you will
    present a question that all ready has a
    forgone conclusion and is slanted toward

    "Were you Surprised that your JW 'friends'
    dumped you after all these years."

    The questions presented in the writings
    focus on the emotional responses and
    reactions of the audience.

    I know there is a need for that type of
    writer here because the "flames" prove it,
    but I see a danger in it because it feeds
    itself on negativity and not considered


    The Wanderer

  • minimus

    Hmmm, Changeling , maybe you're right. He is a nice questioneer, isn't he?

  • franzy

    "you are weird, though"
    "lol! this guy takes himself way too seriously"
    "it's so obvious he's recycling every thread i've made"
    "i just think you copy me too much"
    "btw, why does the audience need a problem to solve?"

    slowly but slowly one begins to get a feeling about this, yes,
    one begins to suspect....could the king of posters, the one
    and only 30,000+ minimus, feel threatened by the wanderer???

    one wonders

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