Do you take responsibility for your behaviour?
by mtsgrad 16 Replies latest jw friends
Do you take responsibility for your behaviour?
I would not let anyone take the credit for my behaviour either
I don't expect anyone else to take responsibility for it
Yep. I did it. It was me.
Same here I take full responsibility for everything I do!
Why should I when we all know it's everyone else's fault that I'm a jerk?
I was abused daily as a child so do not take FULL responsibility for my behaviour. Am I'm not sorry.
I try to take full responsibility for all of my actions, but sometimes I find that I say, "Well, its not my fault, its what was taught to me." Or I find myself thinking that its okay for me to do certain things because of the messed up childhood and teen years that I've had. But I try to think that I do take responsibility for my actions.
I am an imperfect bitch. I make mistakes, and I own up to them.
I am not afraid to admit I am wrong.
only speaking for myself of course...
I try to take responsibility for my actions. But, I can't say 100%, 98-99% yes.