Do you take full responsibility for your behaviour?

by mtsgrad 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • quietlyleaving


    I was abused daily as a child so do not take FULL responsibility for my behaviour. Am I'm not sorry

    very sorry about what happened to you on a daily basis - but you raise a valid point.

    Take a look at this - mind you its from a clinical perspective of the law

    mitigating circumstances
    n. in criminal law, conditions or happenings which do not excuse or justify criminal conduct, but are considered out of mercy or fairness in deciding the degree of the offense the prosecutor charges or influencing reduction of the penalty upon conviction. Example: a young man shoots his father after years of being beaten, belittled, sworn at and treated without love. "Heat of passion" or "diminished capacity" are forms of such mitigating circumstances.
  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    why what have you heard???? it wasn't me it was the one armed man!

  • Seeker4

    When I'm doing good, sure I take responsibility. But when things are going bad, or I'm acting like a jerk, or being such an asshole that I get tossed out of where ever I am, well, then I'm pretty sure it's somebody else's fault. Probably the guy that invented liquor, and those damned rascals who started bottling it and making it accessible. Oh yeah, and those bastards who sell it.

    Hey, don't attack me, I'm just a victim here....


  • AudeSapere
    I was abused daily as a child so do not take FULL responsibility for my behaviour. Am I'm not sorry.

    I think that as a child, our parents are largely responsible for our behavior but as adults, we need to right the wrongs that were done to us and become fully responsible.

    For some who were treated horribly as children, I tend to give a little more grace period but I think there really is a time when we can no longer fall back on that 'poor me' excuse. This may very well be the only life YOU have. Time to claim it and own it. Create the life you want to live. There were two books I read about 15 years ago: Toxic Parents and The Road Less Traveled. Both are great reads. They helped me alot. JWD helps pull it all together. -Aude.
  • GoingGoingGone
    I was abused daily as a child

    So was I... I was emotionally abused. I know that it changed who I was as a person.

    However, I believe that all adults are responsible for their actions. As a very young adult out on my own, I often reacted to people and situations in a very dysfunctional way, and I hated it. I realized that when I had kids of my own, I would end up hurting them emotionally if I didn't address my dysfunctional behavior. So I created a vision for myself of how I wanted to be, and worked towards it.

    I am far from perfect. I know I could be a better person if I could just get past some of the fears I carry with me from my childhood. But I've conquered a LOT of my issues. I am an adult now, and I can become whoever I want to be. If I don't like something about myself, I'll change it. If I do something stupid or hurt someone I care about, it's because I have failed to see a problem with my behavior, or have failed to do something about it.

    Yeah, yeah, it's all really nice in theory. In real life, it's hard work.


  • Hortensia

    A very smart friend of mine said, "you can't change who you are but you can learn to limit the damage you do." So that is about it for me, I'm fairly fucked up, but trying to limit the damage I do. That means carrying my own loads, cleaning up my own messes, admitting guilt and trying to repair things. Also means cutting myself some slack, but also trying to live in such a way I don't keep creating problems. It ain't easy.

  • jaguarbass

    I'll take full responsibility. But I have learned that when you scratch with the turkeys its impossible to soar with the eagles.

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