Experiences at the meetings

by slimboyfat 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    Since I still go to meetings I am going to post some thoughts about what I see and hear to refresh apostate memories of what glorious experiences you are missing out on these days.

    Yesterday we had the book study, the boredom of the study itself was only alleviated by two incidents, one sad and the other strange...

    There is a sister who is bi-polar and comes infrequently who was there. She was called to give an answer and started crying into the microphone. The roving mike brother was about to tackle her to get the audio device back but the conductor indicated for her to continue unhindered. Finally she struggled out the comment that: "If we are good Jehovah won't destroy us" and handed it back. The study was all about death and destruction, so you could see where she was coming from. Also an earlier comment from an elder had made the rather disquieting observation that the people in Revelation are said to run to the caves because "no matter where you go, to the sea or the island or the mountains, Jehovah can get you." (What fine sheltering places from the wind our shepherds are!)

    The other odd thing that happened was the microphone wasn't working. And the odd part was that the brother still ran about the hall giving people the mike to the brothers to make their comments. Slightly bemused I guess people just figured the brother somehow (because of his proximity?) could not work out the microphone wasn't working and let it slide. So they all dutifully waited for him to come and then gave comments into a dud mike. Well that went on for about half the study, and just when I got accustomed to the charade, the conductor for some reason finally decided to bring up the subject and told the roving mike brother that it wasn't working and just to put the mike away. Goodness me, couldn't he have done that sooner and saved us the embarrassment?

    After the meeting I was cornered by a new (older) sister who just moved in and loves the sound of her own voice. (I mean really!) She pinned me down for at least 20 minutes before I managed to extricate myself. She boasted all about her money, how clever her sons are, and of course her spirituality - dropping names of people from the branch she knows. (she better try that on someone better connected than me - I didn't know who she was talking about and probably gave an unsatisfactory non- ooh aaah response) I thought it strange how she managed to boast about hers sons in university and her wealth and about her superfine spiritual status at the same time.


  • GetBusyLiving

    Sucks to be you Slim! Have fun with that!


  • journey-on

    Yes, Brother Slimboyfat, thank you for refreshing my memory.

    Something you brought up toward the end about the sister bragging about her "inside" connections at the same time she's talking about her sons in university and her wealth... From what I've been hearing and in my own post yesterday, I think a lot of this is going on. Maybe it's their way of saying: "I can do these things because I am connected. After all, if you're Sister Weak and Struggling or Brother Don't Know Anybody Important, you're probably scared to do anything that might make you appear any weaker and sadder than you already are. But if you are one of the "in crowd", you can pretty much set the rules for yourself on such things.

  • Zico

    Do you usually have your book study at the Kingdom hall?

  • slimboyfat
    Do you usually have your book study at the Kingdom hall?

    Yes. Slim

  • slimboyfat

    An excellent observation journey-on. JWs certainly impose many old-fashioned middle-class norms from dress to sexual mores. I believe disfellowshipping is just one instrument used to that end. Disfellowshipping rates by income group would be a fascinating statistic if we could get our hands on it!

    It strikes me that brothers with well paid jobs are commended for their success as long as they keep a reasonable standard in meeting attendance and service. On the other hand lower class Witnesses who try to better themselves through education find their spiritual lives closely scrutinized to find where their secular efforts are undermining their theocratic service. On the whole Witnesses seem to endorse the rich getting richer while insisting those less well off not try to better themselves.


  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I was at a Wednesday KM meeting and there was a sister who had severe mental problems. Now this sister was a beast of a women, she had to be at least 250 pounds and about 5'9. Well one MS was giving a talk and she just breaks out yelling, "Jehovah!! Jehovah!! A Demon is in your midst" and makes a b-line for the brother!! She gets about 4 feet from the stage when two mic boys come from nowhere to tackle her. Well amongst all the commotion my Dad jumps up and runs in on it, he was one of the more physically strong brothers in the hall. So they are dragging her out the whole time she is screaming nonsense or truth about the brother being of Satan and her doing Jehovah's will trying to destroy him. Me and my friends were just looking in amazement half laughing half afraid she might come back with a pistol and mow us down. Well of course the brother being the robot he was nervously finished his talk. It was the craziest thing I have ever seen in a hall ever. Of course they wouldn't dare say a demon had somehow gotten in the hall and possessed this women for that they all embraced mental disorders!

  • smellsgood

    I've never really properly understood you and all your mysteriousness slimboyfat. Why do you go to meetings again? Do you have the "faith" of the Witnesses? What's up and what gives, could you fill me in?

  • changeling

    Yes, refresh our memory...why do you still torture yourself by going?


  • Angry_Kangaroo
    There is a sister who is bi-polar and comes infrequently who was there. She was called to give an answer and started crying into the microphone. The roving mike brother was about to tackle her to get the audio device back but the conductor indicated for her to continue unhindered. Finally she struggled out the comment that: "If we are good Jehovah won't destroy us" and handed it back.

    That is so sad. Poor lady, I can imagine how badly she feels.

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