I wonder what the idea is, too? Do you like to stir the pot with hypothetical situations just for the heck of it? Have you ever known anyone actually get a letter or a question like this? It seems pretty far-fetched. I don't get the point of your posts, but then I quite often don't get the point of anything.
Former Jehovahs WitnessAre Hypocrites
by The wanderer 47 Replies latest jw friends
Would he say the same thing to a reformed criminal?
Learning from my mistakes and changing my life's course doesn't make me a hypocrite.
I still wear suits occasionally, usually because I want to. I don't have a 3 piece suit because they're not in style and I don't want to look more odd than I already do.
I would answer: show me a human being and I will show you a hypocrite. All people are hypocrites at least some of the time. C'mon. You know it's true.
Wanderer..A Worldly person has no concept of our cult life.They would`nt know where to begin.....A Brain Dead WBT$ cult follower would..... WBT$ considers their agreement with JW`s who join their Cult,a Contract..That contract is based on lies..No court in the world will uphold a contract like that.....People have every right to complain publicly,when they have been cheated!!!...OUTLAW
Wierd post...
Dittos, Jeff and Hortensia.
In your quest to become Devil's Advocate, were you aware that you sound more like the Devil than the Advocate?
We all miss many aspects of our lives as JW's. Our friends, our families, the certainty of an 'everlasting life' that made all our daily problems in life seem so much less painful because of this. But that life was not real Wanderer. It was based on dreams, falsehoods, wishful thinking and cunning deceit. You will never be able to cast aside what you now know to be true, that is, that all our past hopes and certainties have swept out of lives with a speed that has taken away our breath and left us stumbling in an area of life that we have never been prepared to cope with.
Life outside the WTS is a frightening prospect to the newly emerged adherent. It stings and disappoints. It is full both with an excitement at the release of our spirits, but also a terror at the lack of certainty. We see previously held beliefs which we once would gladly have died for fall away to dust. We see our former comrades begin to explore their newly released selves and experiment with sex, drink, drugs etc and many follow the road to atheism. All the things that we once publicly abhored but may have held inside as our own private struggle are before us like meat on a slab.
These people who once stood by our sides and sang out their hearts to Song 101 with us, now hurt us by arguing, bickering and hurting each other like children from a William Golding novel. Above all, the confusion as to what we are now to believe, where we are now going to place our hopes and our energies, where we will now settle our dreams, will not leave us in peace and gnaws at our hearts in the quiet morning hours.
We have all been there in one way or the other Wanderer. It seems clear to me from your numerous posts that you are having problems with this struggle, and no person would condemn you for this, but this battle is best fought away from online Boards and in the hands of professional help. There is no shame in talking this out with those trained to help, but this Board is no substitute for a good therapist.
My kindest regards - HS
I agree to a point.
I, as a jdub, shunned others when confronted with it. But at least I was kind about it. I did it sheepishly, like I don't want to bu you know, I have to, sorry. The look.
So, I was a part of the problem and I knew the rules. I knew that could happen to me.
But on the other hand, I say that the way I acted was done in ignorance. I used to agree with shunning for a deliberate bad course taken and therefore a 'helpful' way to help that one see their error.
Now, I see it as a way for jdubs to insulate the group and to keep them all from discoverying the truth. I understand the shunning. It is hurtful. It is sad. My life has improved tremendously by getting OUT of jdub! Now, I look back and try to figure out a way to help them. I don't know if it will ever happen.
So, shunning is good for jdubs. It keeps them from learning all the great things I have learned. So, it is protecting the heard and accomplishing it's purpose. Unfortunately, that means that it hurts all it's members individually because it keeps them all in the dark.
Shunning is the price paid for leaving a cult. It is a heavy one at that. But it is worth every bit of pain for the freedom and joy and life that grows from each tear shed. That doesn't speak of hypocrasy. That speaks of the heart.
That's easy! F.U.!
IP-SEC said:
I would agree with him on much. I am getting kind of sick of hearing about how bad jws are, blah blah blah, like you werent one at one time. Also jws are far from the worst thing in the world. It just seems that way if you have a small world view.
Are you going to try and get re-instated?
Save My Soul
Was Paul a hypocrite? He chased and killed christians then became one. You can't totally blame someone for ignorance. WE were ignorant then saw the light.