I'd say: "My parents made my bed, asshole. Now I have to lie in it." big ditto here!!!!!
Former Jehovahs WitnessAre Hypocrites
by The wanderer 47 Replies latest jw friends
Hello Richard: What I would say is the Karma police came and bit me in the ass. And hopefully I have paid my debt in full by now. I've been out since 83.
Your not a worldly man at all, your a cult mind directed sad DUB, who is trying to win some points with his god. Get A Life!
keyser soze
I believed one thing at one point in my life, now I believe something else. If this makes me a hypocrite, so be it.
PS, I also never wore a three-piece suit. They were a little before my time.
My answer would be that I was born into the religion, and "trained" in my formative years to believe it was the only truth. I didn't have a chance.
I think a great deal can be learned and a certain level of honesty comes out
from these types of threads instead of asking a direct question.Hmm.... I have yet to see that in any of these 'how would you respond' threads that you start.
Life outside the WTS is a frightening prospect to the newly emerged adherent. It stings and disappoints. It is full both with an excitement at the release of our spirits, but also a terror at the lack of certainty. We see previously held beliefs which we once would gladly have died for fall away to dust. We see our former comrades begin to explore their newly released selves and experiment with sex, drink, drugs etc and many follow the road to atheism. All the things that we once publicly abhored but may have held inside as our own private struggle are before us like meat on a slab.
Very well put.
Hey Mr Wanderer...i dont think theres anything wrong with ur line of questions or how u ask them ..its all good..BUT i think u know the answer before u ask the question and wana compare what u think to how others might reason .and..isnt that the whole point in reasoning? to see how others react and how we might learn from the other exjws out here......but..........there's also this: we can get a kick out of pissing someone off. Some ppl enjoy that. I admit i enjoy that occasionally but not when someone else's feeling are gona make them feel like dirt if trampled on.On the other hand ppl shouldnt be to fast to be offended especially when Mr Wanderer is only making broad questioning..even if they are mundane at times. Its not like ur gona avoid him at the meeting on Thursday night. ..... Thats my take, im out.
John Doe
I don't see why anyone is thinking that's a witness statement. Since when do witnesses think they're bothering people on Christmas by knocking on doors? Sounds to me like a grouch who doesn't like being disturbed, and I highly doubt it's a witness.