Saying 'goodbye' on the phone. US style?

by ThomasCovenant 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ThomasCovenant


    I can't help but have noticed that the US tv and film industry more than not portray phone conversations finishing without any 'goodbyes'.

    Someone will say, for example, 'See you at the mall' then put down the phone.

    Is this a reflection of the norm in US land or just filming priorities of time and money?


    Thomas Covenant

  • blondie

    Not that I have noticed.

    People tend to say:

    Talk to you later

    Bye Bye


    There is always the business way too

    Goodbye Mr/Ms Customer. Thank you for calling.

  • Junction-Guy

    The US film and TV industry are so out of touch with the average American. No, that is not the normal way we end conversations here. We usually say "bye" "goodbye" or "love ya bye"

  • ThomasCovenant


    I thought it must surely be to do with not wanting to waste any time on superfluous dialogue but it happens so often even in films / programmes that try to be reality more than fantasy that I began to wonder if this was part of the US sense of getting down to business and getting the job done. Having said that there is also the 'have a nice day' culture in America as opposed to our 'if you must' in the UK

    Thomas Covenant

  • Junction-Guy

    Im glad you mentioned this though, as I never paid attention to that before.

  • nvrgnbk

    Some say, " see ya later, masturbator".

    That's how my brother and I usually say goodbye to one another. LOL!

  • Stephanus

    Growing up, my brother and I noticed that people on American tv shows always hung up the phone without saying any polite words of farewell. We thought it was widespread practice, and that, therefore Americans were "really rude!"

  • mrsjones5

    I noticed that whenever hubby and I say goodbye to each other on the phone it goes something like this:

    "ok honey I'll talk to you later"

    "ok hon love ya"

    "love you too"

    "ok bye"

    "ok bye"



    Cracks me up everytime

  • BFD

    I am so not a phone person but I usaually end my phone conversations with see ya or luvyaseeyabye.

    BFD luvyaseeyabye!

  • ex-nj-jw

    When talking to family (hubby, kids especially) I always say "bye, I love you", or see ya later, love ya

    With friends I just talk to you later, bye.

    I never thought much about it before, I'll have to pay attention because now I'm curious


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