WHen do you eat man??
I keep strange hours. I have long hours at work, but they are mostly long hours
of availability with several lulls in the business. The problem really occurred that
I let my "not-at-work" time become the same as the "at-work" time. I came on
here. It really helped with the bitterness.
I have some really close confidential family members who will be there for me,
but being non-JW, they just don't understand like you guys do. Still, to me-
fading should include fading from all activity that triggers the thinking about
the cult, and it hasn't.
I have looked at the statistics of posters. I doubt I was ever no.1 for more than
an instant, but I am often in the top 10.
I had a passion to write a book. I finished about 20-25 % of it. It was about JW's.
The passion has since died, and I don't know if I even want to get it back.
I think that anyone who regularly faces JW's in the family or is regularly shunned by
family has the right to hold on to bitterness, but just because it's a right doesn't
make it healthy. I would hate to ruin my health over JW issues.