A need to break the JWD habit

by OnTheWayOut 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni
  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    OTWO - If you start to have early withdrawal symptoms, email me man! I can be there for you!

    I made it about a week back during the 'stalking scare' - but I kinda like the addiction. Still summer is a good time for this effort. If you get the DT's just drop a line - I promise to keep it strickly non-JW buddy.


  • changeling

    I "quit" succesfully for several months. I'm back with a vengance now. When I posted her before (under another name), I would get wound up and angry. I was still in the angry phase of recovery. I'm in a different place know. I can come here and enjoy myself. So, as long as it's fun, I'm here to stay.


  • lonelysheep

    Good luck. I gave up and realized there was no point in not "checking in"!!

    Something really bad would have to happen for me to be done here, I think.

  • journey-on

    Changeling. It's hard to believe you were ever like this. You seem so calm and controlled to me.

    When I posted her before (under another name), I would get wound up and angry. I was still in the angry phase of recovery.

    OTWO - I think a break is good now and then. It's all about balance.

  • Hortensia

    okey-dokey - lots of people take summer vacations. We could even hum a few songs about it - see you in September, see you when the summer's through. Have a nice vacation away from JWD, get back to us one of these days.

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