If "Extremist Islamic Material" Is Found On Your Computer Should U B Jailed

by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    That's what happened in Britain. Just having it on your computer was enough, Of course these young people wanted to involve themselves in a Jihad "holy war".

    Still, do you believe that if YOU had such info on your personal computer, that it should get you imprisoned???

  • minimus

    Where are our freedom fighters???

  • daystar

    I don't think so. Although, I suspect that (and I've not read the news articles in full on this yet this morning) they were jailed for more than just that, having left a note saying they'd been recruited.

    However, I see a trend in GB towards an authoritarian state. I wonder if you could also be jailed there for owning a copy of the Anarchist's Cookbook? What a classic that is. (No, I don't own a copy.)

  • greendawn

    It would be suspicious for a Moslem to have such a material but it's not enough unless it is followed by some specific action. The dudes should be placed under surveillance to see what they are really up to. They may have been just gathering material to see what is going on in the islamic fundamentalist world but had no intention to participate. They could be historians or journalists.

  • minimus

    Since when is it illegal to look at such things? If I look up info on the KKK am I gonna get into trouble?

  • Paralipomenon

    How did they find it on the computer? They must have had more suspicions to get a warrant.

  • minimus

    I'm sure they were suspects. My point though, is-----Do you think the gov't should be able to jail someone for this type of thing being on a personal computer?

  • nvrgnbk
    Do you think the gov't should be able to jail someone for this type of thing being on a personal computer?


  • minimus

    If YOU looked up info on how to build a bomb, do you think you should have your computer monitored for being on such a site?

  • greendawn

    I suppose under more calm conditions they would consider someone visiting a bad site as a suspect and watch them to see what they are really up to. But in conditions of alert in times of imminent danger they will not take any chances and go for an arrest on the least suspicion.

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