If "Extremist Islamic Material" Is Found On Your Computer Should U B Jailed

by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I hope our countries do not become "police states".

  • Leolaia

    A few years ago the Department of Justice had on its website the actual Al Qaida training book that the organization used to teach its students bomb making, combat, etc. I would think thousands of people with no connection whatsoever to terrorism downloaded it out of curiosity. I still have no idea why they thought it was a good idea to put it online.

    Edit: It used to be at this URL http://www.usdoj.gov/ag/trainingmanual.htm. I see they have taken it down since.

  • minimus

    It would be a shame if they put it on line just to see if they can make a connection.

    It would be like putting child porn on just to see if there are any takers.

  • greendawn

    I think it's more a case of feeling that the country is in a state of war even in the second world war some special restrictive laws temporarily came into effect for security reasons. Eg all the American Japanese were put in concentration camps as was the case in the UK with foreign residents (immigrants) from the enemy countries, Germany and Italy.

  • minimus

    If it is "illegal", they should make it known.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    It should not be illegal - nor prosecutable.

    Don't get me wrong - radical Islam is dangerous. But if I want to look at their world perspective by tuning into certain websites or reading certain books, why should I risk being charged with a crime?

    I currently have an online edition of Mein Kampf bookmarked. I have no affinity to Hitler's philosophy or ideology at all - but I should be able to read what I want. Otherwise we are moving backwards aren't we?


  • jaguarbass

    Islam is the enemy of freedom and western thinking. They know our liberal mindedness is our achilles heel which they are pounding away at.

    I just as soon throw all the Moslems out of the US and let us have what ever we want on our computer.

    Better yet give them a stick of dynamite and a match and watch them off themselves.

    I am against the computer police. If somehow they find out whats on someones computer, there is a good chance they obtained the info illegally.

    The answer is throw the ragheads out of the country and let us have our freedom. Freedom and Islam do not mix. Keep America Free!

    Sadly our society never deals practically with our problems. Example Osama Bin Laden masterminds 911 and we invade Iraq and kill Sadam Hussien. I guess thats what happens when a moronic crackhead steels the presidency. I meant coke head.

  • minimus

    Jeff, I agree with you 100%.

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