Who's normal?
Would You Now Consider Yourself "Normal" Since You're "Out"?
by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends
I consider myself gradually getting "normal" by the definition of "normal" that I have set.
For instance, while I was still very active in the Borg all my life consisted of was; secular work, door to door work, meetings, meeting preparation, MS responsibilities, fiancee time, and sleep.
I realized that my life wasn't very well rounded, but according to WTS standards, it was. I didn't really get out and enjoy life like I should. Part of the reason my last long-term relationship worked was because my Ex was the exact same way just about. I even found HER kind of boring at times lol but I understood. I didn't spend much time with my family as I should have. Because of my doing so now, i've been a much happier person. I'm just now starting to get out and enjoy the world. It's a slow but steady process.
Allow me to translate minimals question for you
Would you now consider yourself "normal" (<<--- wink wink nod) since you're "out"? (<<<---- wink wink nod)
Translation of (wink wink nod) = "I got nothing, so I strung some random words together that seemed to make a question of some sort"
"Normal" is in the eye of the beholder. What is normal to me, may not be normal to someone else and vice versa.
I go out of my way not to be normal.
THe only thing normal: A setting on a dryer! JK
I have never been "normal" JW or not, I am not saying that having been raised as a witless didn't help but I would have been eccentric either way.
IP_SEC isn't "normal". And a horrible translator too.
Not in the way that I need to be. Growing up, I was put through a lot and never had a chance to be a confident youngster. When I began studying w/the jw's, it was a time when I needed to be strengthened, not brought down even more so by being told how wrong I was for whatever.
In the corporate world, the robbing of my confidence is showing and it sucks. It's not that I'm not the dynamic bitch I need to be, but it doesn't show because I'm "quiet". So, it might as well not exist. Quiet equals weird. So, no, normalcy isn't truly there yet.
Lonelysheep is it the WTS that robbed you of your confidence and how exactly did they do that? How can it be resolved by removing the root causes of low confidence that they put in their members?