Would You Now Consider Yourself "Normal" Since You're "Out"?

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    I've never been described as "normal". I'm glad for that. It sounds boring.


  • FadingAway

    I was f'd up before I joined the JWs, I was really f'd up during my time with the JWs, now I back to my previous f'd up level, which is normal for me.

  • Finally-Free
    I was f'd up before I joined the JWs, I was really f'd up during my time with the JWs, now I back to my previous f'd up level, which is normal for me.

    Me too, except that I'm not back to my previous f'd up level. My stint in the cult has compounded my f'd upedness, so now I'm more f'd up than ever. I guess that makes me normal. W

  • minimus

    Lonely Sheep, are you admitting to being "weird"?

  • lonelysheep
    Lonelysheep is it the WTS that robbed you of your confidence and how exactly did they do that? How can it be resolved by removing the root causes of low confidence that they put in their members?

    They stole what little bit I had. It's back but not quite where I want it to be. I am around a lot of overconfident people 10 hours a day, though.

  • lonelysheep
    Lonely Sheep, are you admitting to being "weird"?


    I was f'd up before I joined the JWs, I was really f'd up during my time with the JWs, now I back to my previous f'd up level, which is normal for me.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Would You Now Consider Yourself "Normal" Since You're "Out"?

    Yes - but my definition of normal might be 180* from someone else. Perhaps it was better defined in the thread - I only looked at the question.


  • jaguarbass

    or are you still grossly affected because you were once a JW?

    I dont think anyone is normal. There is no one else I would want to be like. And I doubt anyone else would want to be like me. Damaged and I like it. eccentric
  • Anony-Mouse

    Me? Normal?

    I take pride in my not being normal. My freinds love me for it, too :P .

  • BCberean

    What's 'normal'?????

    Why do I have this feeling that I don't want to be normal

    and that 'normal' is mediocricy????

    Hmmmmm....thinking I may have mispelled mediocrisy..

    .nope that doesn't look right either.

    If 'normal' means NOT being smarter than THOSE WHO DON'T HAVE THE TRUTH...then...

    yup....I feel normal

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