...that is drives a wedge between you and other Witnesses as soon as you read it. There is fear of discussing it openly, and even if you are wanting to try to argue against apostate ideas there is simply no outlet for such open discussions. You are left guessing what other Witnesses know, and how much apostate information they have been exposed too. What a horrible situaton that is, especially when it concerns people you care about who are thoughtful and intelligent - but you simply can't discuss this with them.
Let's face it, a lot of apostate books are pretty crap, especially the stuff written from "Christian" point of view. It often sensationalizes, distorts, and contains poor argumentation with the rather unfortunate goal of "winning a soul for Christ from the Watchtower cult". Nevertheless even this type of apostate exposure remains tremendously powerful. The power largely lies, not in the intrinsic value of the material, but in the GB's own ban on reading it which forces even those who stumble on apostate writings to go 'underground' mentally. It drives a great big wedge between whoever reads apostate literature and the other Witnesses they know which cannot be repaired without fear of sanction.
For a while I found solace communicating online with other like-minded Witnesses who had read apostate books and Internet sites and wanted to argue against the points made on the side of the Truth. But that is only a comfort for so long when the cold reality is sitting in the meeting week in and week out not being able to share relevant comments when people are making dubious Witness statements left, right and centre.