I get so sick of the "you're playing by their rules if you DA" comment. For god's sake, if you think I care about playing the WT's game and following their rules, why the hell would I DA? It makes no sense to imply that DA'ing is tantamount to allowing the borg to have the last word. DA'ing is the epitome of declaring your freedom from such rules and entrapment. It is the unmistakable message to the borg that you will not continue to play by their rules.
DA'ing is not done for the benefit of the borg. It is done for the benefit of the DA'er. I can't imagine anyone who is contemplating DA'ing would think, "Well, I'd like to leave, so out of respect for the elder's wishes, I'll write a DA letter." No! It's written for you to inform them that you want them off your back, or that you are disgusted with their hypocricy and want no part of it, or whatever.
I apologize if my post seems angry. I'm not lashing out at anyone in particular. But as I have stated in other threads, the decision to DA or fade or remain "in" is such an individual matter. For LDB and myself, DA'ing was absolutely necessary and absolutely the best thing we could have done. The elders were hounding us almost daily toward the end, wanting us to study again to "renew our love for Jehovah"; they'd call, they'd stop by unexpectedly, they'd leave magazines. Heck, I didn't even want to be outside in my yard because they could be coming down the driveway at any moment. Our story is much more complex than that, but then so is everyone else's story.
No one should judge anyone else for whatever decision they make, or imply that one way is weak or letting the borg have the upper hand.