I think you'll find the 'unity' propaganda you've been fed about Jehovah's people all goose stepping in lockstep past the grand heavenly reviewing stand (sieg heil!) for the Glory of God, and the 'evil slave' apostates who are painted with a broad brush dipped in forbidden blood as being uniformly immoral and fallen to the call of the flesh, or Satan...
Is just that. Propaganda. Black and white thinking. This is one of the hallmarks of cult-think mind control.
Nobody is 100% anything, except Teddy Jaracz, who is 100% dull.
I think Teddy might need another coat of clearcoat, he's starting to grow mold again.
There's varying degrees of belief within the organization, from the most glazed-eyed company man who craps tower-shaped logs to the barely concealed apostate going through the motions until they find out how to get their loved ones to choose the red pill.
There's varying degrees of virtue and decency among the ranks of the so-called evil slave too, from good folks who simply cannot ignore their conscience to some who really DO just wanna carp and bitch all the time.
This is called Nuance, and it is one of the hallmarks of reality.
Welcome to the real world! Once you stop squinting and blinking, it really is a great place to live.
Have some aposta-pie and aposta-cookies.
Roller (of the 'ELO listening' sheep class)