You'll find a wide range of people here that are awesome!!
by 4digitcode 38 Replies latest watchtower bible
You'll find a wide range of people here that are awesome!!
What minimus and BumbleBee said.
Welcome to the forum 4dc!
I just walked away from it all a year ago after finding out that dubdom and science really can't go together.
This board is great, esp. the news about what's going on in jw-land getting here first
remember: If "Jehovah" changes something (quite often), we are the first to hear about it, then the media, and then the dubs :)
The light does get brighter
Deus Mauzzim
It goes something like this. "If a person stops reading the WTS literature and just reads the Bible he will fall back into the old beliefs of Christendom."
Hello BOB1999 I have never heard this above statement, do you recall what publication it has been stated in, would be appreciated.
It was mentioned here...
It is easier to read if you right-click and save it to your computer... then open or print it... I squished it up so that the forum wouldn't end up weirdly formatted...
Or you can download this page from here
Hey another newbie! Woo hoo, they are arriving by the truckload these days-- I hope you will enjoy your visits to JWD and meeting the wide variety of folks who hang out here.
Roller Dave: You truly have a gift for words:
I think you'll find the 'unity' propaganda you've been fed about Jehovah's people all goose stepping in lockstep past the grand heavenly reviewing stand (sieg heil!) for the Glory of God, and the 'evil slave' apostates who are painted with a broad brush dipped in forbidden blood as being uniformly immoral and fallen to the call of the flesh, or Satan... Is just that. Propaganda. Black and white thinking. This is one of the hallmarks of cult-think mind control.
There's varying degrees of belief within the organization, from the most glazed-eyed company man who craps tower-shaped logs to the barely concealed apostate going through the motions until they find out how to get their loved ones to choose the red pill.
I would love to know how you think of this stuff! Does it just come to you or do you spend time developing the imagery? lol
I forgot to add: the statement about returning to Christendom's false teachings if you just read the Bible alone was from Russell. I have copied from
Was Charles Russell in the Light? |
Welcome, if you stay with us you will learn a lot of new interesting things and we will look forward to hearing something about your experiences with the JWs.
Welcome. As you have already figured, this board embraces many kinds. Take me, for instance. I'm a business woman and a Sunday School teacher who would never join the Witnesses; but I'm "joined at the hip" nonetheless. I married one. This place is important to me to be able to express myself freely, and to keep up on the most recent changes in the society.
To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
I was just as afraid as you to read anything here at first.
The common experience of the "lack of love" and then seeing Dateline May 2002 that exposed the pedophile coverup in the WTBS made me "feel" the hypocrisy. The same hypocrisy they preached about the Catholic Church for the 35 years I attended.