Don't eat at Mario's!

by changeling 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Scully

    Great story, changeling! Loved it!

    Snakes: here's the thread in reference to the September 2007 KM:

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    "I'm not only Italian. I am Sicilian." That is like saying, "I'm not only a JW. I am ANOINTED." So, of course, you must take the Sicilian more seriously than a simple r and f Italian. Such a good analogy!

  • outnfree

    Absolutely loved it, changeling!

    (Thanks for that link, (((Scully))) )


  • changeling

    Hi guys: I'm having technical difficulties. I started a thread on Friends and it did not post. I wrote it again, same thing. I PM'd jgnat but she has not responded. Any clue as to what is going on? Has this happened to you? Please help!


  • greendawn

    I thought it was necessary to be aware of the New York setting to understand the story but then I saw the allegory, of Mario being too pressing on his customers.

  • Stephanus

    A better allegory would have Mario not serving them actual food, but pictures of the kind of great food they'll be dining sumptuously on "anytime soon".

  • emptywords

    actually sicilians do differ in history the arabs settled into the country for a bit, their is quite a bit of arab blood in ol sicily, my x lover was sicilian and looks every bit arab. whatever, was an excellent analgy.

    I think snakes that they may be suspicious of you, did you finish the COC book yet, what did you think??

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