Great story, changeling! Loved it!
Snakes: here's the thread in reference to the September 2007 KM:
by changeling 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Great story, changeling! Loved it!
Snakes: here's the thread in reference to the September 2007 KM:
"I'm not only Italian. I am Sicilian." That is like saying, "I'm not only a JW. I am ANOINTED." So, of course, you must take the Sicilian more seriously than a simple r and f Italian. Such a good analogy!
Absolutely loved it, changeling!
(Thanks for that link, (((Scully))) )
Hi guys: I'm having technical difficulties. I started a thread on Friends and it did not post. I wrote it again, same thing. I PM'd jgnat but she has not responded. Any clue as to what is going on? Has this happened to you? Please help!
I thought it was necessary to be aware of the New York setting to understand the story but then I saw the allegory, of Mario being too pressing on his customers.
A better allegory would have Mario not serving them actual food, but pictures of the kind of great food they'll be dining sumptuously on "anytime soon".
actually sicilians do differ in history the arabs settled into the country for a bit, their is quite a bit of arab blood in ol sicily, my x lover was sicilian and looks every bit arab. whatever, was an excellent analgy.
I think snakes that they may be suspicious of you, did you finish the COC book yet, what did you think??