Matthew 24:48-51 48 — But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, "My master is delaying," and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be.
Insight On the Scriptures, Volume 1, p. 787, Expelling
Finally, there was shammatta, an entire cutting off from the congregation. Some believe the last two forms of excommunication were undistinguishable from each other.
One who was cast out as wicked, cut off entirely, would be considered worthy of death, though the Jews might not have the authority to execute such a one. Nevertheless, the form of cutting off they did employ was a very powerful weapon in the Jewish community. Jesus foretold that his followers would be expelled from the synagogues. (Joh 16:2) Fear of being expelled, or “unchurched,” kept some of the Jews, even the rulers, from confessing Jesus. (Joh 9:22, ftn; 12:42) An example of such action by the synagogue was the case of the healed blind man who spoke favorably of Jesus.—Joh 9:34.
Jehovah's Witnesses beat their fellow slaves with the same very powerful weapon used by the Sanhedrin. The purpose of this weapon's use is identical today, it preserves an organization intact that cannot otherwise maintain control over lowly "people of the earth", the amhaarets.
The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, chapter 88, The Rich Man and Lazarus
Jesus here uses the rich man to represent the Jewish religious leaders, including not only the Pharisees and the scribes but the Sadducees and the chief priests as well. They are rich in spiritual privileges and opportunities, and they conduct themselves as the rich man did. Their clothing of royal purple represents their favored position, and the white linen pictures their self-righteousness.
This proud rich-man class views the poor, common people with utter contempt, calling them amhaarets, or people of the earth.
Elders on the forum: Do interactions with the Service Desk and certain COs or DOs give you the impression that you are viewed as amhaarets? (Psst! I already know the answer, but I just wanted lurkers to see that even congregation elders are considered this way by the organization elite)
Even Bethelites, Missionaries, and Ministerial Training School graduates sometimes view others this way. Some elders and minsterial servants view congregants this way. Many elder's wives view others this way. Some pioneers view non-pioneers this way.
And anyone who disagrees with the ruling rich man, the Governing Body, is beaten with shammatta, because the Governing Body are no longer fellow slaves, they sit well above the lowly slaves. They take the choice places at meals (table heads) and so certain of their own collective righteousness that they willingly figuratively kill their former "fellow slaves" for disagreeing. They use a "very powerful weapon" that discourages everyone who sees it used from ever risking the experience of that weapon.
Yet, they claim to be God's people. They claim to be characterized by love. They are lying. The organization is characterized by fear; fear enforced by a "very powerful weapon" that swings wildly at anyone who dares to be fearless in Christ.