LittleToe, I know SBF is a friend of yours, but he's a pain in the a--, too, sometimes.
He's just as much a friend as you are. Though I knew him from being a nipper I've not seen him since I left the JWs. Sure he can be a pain in the ass, but can't we all? To my mind he brings some fresh thoughts to an otherwise increasingly drab subject. He's intelligent and has his own perspective. While he may not concur with comments about the extent of the corruption in the organisation he's at least entitled to his opinion based upon his own subjective experiences, isn't he?
Btw, your rebuttal of his comment about comparisons to the first century is a little over the top and nitpicking in the extreme. He contributed to the point as you invited.
Denominations who make much of "returning to the root practises of the original church" often miss the fact that the "first century Christians" were a lot more disorganised than they attempt to prove.
The one example of someone being put out of the congregation is of an incestuous Corinthian who was even causing the world at large disgust. His return seems to have been with open arms after a simple change in life-course. Even Demetrius wasn't expelled, though not particularly liked.
Methinks Paul was maybe exposing some of his Jewish roots in instigating any form of shunning, hence the original thread comments on Shammatta. To my mind it wasn't the teaching of Christ, though totally understandable in a social context. Basically people and groups rarely tolerate those whom they feel display wildly aberrant lifestyles.
Where I personally have difficulties with the WTS is that they have a long list of phariseeical rules for which they will arbitarily DF someone. It is abhorrant to me to see folks being shunned for voting, taking a blood transfusion, or celebrating birthdays. These things should be completely up to the conscience of the individual. For this reason I personally hold that the shunning policy is the thing that distinguishes them as a cult. If it were not for that I would just categorise them as one of the more wacky but relevant religions.