by Terry 37 Replies latest jw friends
You tell us your opinion first. LOL!
It has been described by some as life-changing.
Thought-provoking to be sure.
Tyrone van leyen
Well, that was the most profound eye opening thing I have ever seen. I have a feeling that this will set me on a new path. I knew about mithraism and the epic of gilgamesh but the way astrology is linked to it and the way other religions have borrowed from each other, has blown me away!
It is with great elation, that I will hammer my family with this and anyone else who ever wants to try talking religion with me again. This film was the final blow and liberation for me. It seems to connect everything! It would take years to study all the paralells in scripture and other religions which I never felt like wasting my time doing as I was truly fed up with them. It leaves the question of what to beleive other than the fact that we are organisms that must learn to love each other. I always liked John Lennons philosophy anyways.
The way they have explained how banks work in connection with politics and the media blew me away as well. I am now very suspicious of Bushes intentions and actually, anyone that even has any power in line with the objectives that appear to have been planned. I think I'm almost ready for an about face. Have I been sold? Not so fast. I don't know why but the despite the evidence presented I still find it incredibly hard to beleive that some one in power would destroy their own buildings and people. Thats beyond beleif, but perhaps it is supposed to be. I'm deeply impressed by the veiws and depth of the way this all seems to work together. I'll tell you one thing. I'm more curious now than ever.
I really thought my life was controlled before,but now I'm in awe. To my own credit though I always did say that this whole life was a rigged game from start to finish. I just wasn't sure how far it went.
The other question is, If this is an accurate depiction of the way things really are , how in the hell are the masses ever gonna wake up! Are we doomed? Thanks so much for posting this link Terry!
It should be interesting to see if anyone posting has another take on this whole film.
I'm holding the DVD in my hand now. My older son gave this to me tonight. My 15 year old begged me to watch it. So, I'll let you all know tomorrow. Tyrone...your post has really intrigued me. If I wasn't so tired, I'd watch it now.
Tyrone van leyen
Another thought just occured to me. I now see why the witnesses don't like anything to do with astrology. Everyone that really studied it, would eventually find out that all religion is a crock. It seems like almost everything is a dam crock.
I'm so glad I have always endevoured to seek truth through reliable sources such as science. Outside of that it seems like everything else is means of control to those who arn't inside the game with the big players from the old boys club. Much like the witnesses game with the governing body.
Being born in the witnesses was like being born into a form of slavery but being born into the world period, is also slavery in itself from this new perspective.
It seems the witnesses control the info put into your head by cutting off sources but the world controls, by drowning you in so many sources and entertainment distractions that you become bewildered. Perhaps that is why so many turn to the simplistic ways of witnesses and surrender their free will.
I think in some ways, an underground movement has to take place within society. It is like the matrix, in a manner of speaking. The problem is that so few people even after watching this film just as you see in witness world, will be immune to its mind blasting profoundity.
The key lies in money which is what everyone needs to keep the world turning and be able to live.
It's a scary thing but I get a feeling that chip business, is not that far off down the road. I don't know if anyone of us will have the power to refuse it as it will be linked to our very existence. The key here is too somehow not be integrated to society. To be independant. This is what the hippies wanted by setting up their communes and being close to nature. Even from this angle however I can't see how the chains of slavery can be broken without a massive violent upheaval and revolution OR ...... God finallly showing his lazy ass to end it all. I just wrote God off however so I guess thats not an option. I just don't beleive in wishful thinking but a directly planned course of action. These powermongers have been organizining and refining this game for the last century so there will have to be some pretty sharps dudes to bring it down and something has to replace it. COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS!
Cant download that. But I have known and heard of Spirit of the Age for years, this is not a new thing, been around amongst artist in paticular for decades, the English band Yes in which most members belief in this came out in songs, example of one is on the Tormato cd, track called Madrigal, have nearly all their music and very common on tracks on most albums.
I think the world has been in control of certain bankers well over a century, the illuminanti or elite which controls the bankers or are the major bankers consists of a few very powerful and elite families also linked is freemasonry, dont know if we could put all this down to conspiracy to much evidence and the chess game that is being played is evil, people are like fodder or part of the purpose of these evil elitists and mass destruction is or getting rid of the usless feeders those that don't contribute is on the cards. Makes one wonder which country they will choose to starve next.
Astrology is the oldest belief system. The story of B and my Ishmael is another interesting read by Daniel Quinn he gained a following in the eighties, there has been many illuminaries over this past century that have been dismissed as evil or crazy or chaletons, by the ones that have the most to lose. I keep my mind open although I do have a belief in God and still hold many teachings of the bible in my heart, I can say that in every fable there is usually some truth to it, and a connection or link to something incredible.
The other question is, If this is an accurate depiction of the way things really are , how in the hell are the masses ever gonna wake up! Are we doomed? Thanks so much for posting this link Terry!
Art changes us to the point we can't go back to the way we were before encountering it.
Propaganda hardens us into a single point of view.
Truth saddens us and makes us sense a loss of innocence.
Entertainment dazzles us to distraction leaving us unsatisfied.
What Zeitgeist is...is largely a function of how we react when it is over.
Which is it for the others here?
Somewhat frightening that so many are frantically buying into its claims lock stock and barrel.
terry says....Truth saddens us and makes us sense a loss of innocence.
Depends on what one sees as truth...isn't that what is being sort in the lives of most people truth, many on this forum are here because they believed they had the truth, others believe they still have it but some are trying to take it away from them, still some have the truth one week and then still think they may have it next week. Truth seekers that is what we are, or have lost or still think is there or maybe it never was there and the truth is what we want it to be.
Imagination is the savour of a boring life.
Thank you Terry. I just watched the whole thing. That intro was hard and painful to watch.
The part about the Jesus hoax was very timely for me. My son had asked me just last week if there was any historical evidence that Jesus had existed. I told him I was not aware of any. I'll have to share this video with him.
The 911 conspiracy makes sense, but we are so conditioned to distrust conspiracy theories that it leaves me in a quandry.
The economic contol issues are trully frightening. I see that we definitly are being controled to believe that we must conform and submit to things like the Patriot Act and ID requirements and such in order to protect us from "the bad guys".
A lifetime spent as a JW makes it hard not to see things from a JW perspective. The non- historicity of Jesus would be nearly impossible to refute. But I can see them zipping through that part and zeroing in on the rest. I would imagine they would say it's all prophecy being fullfilled and the only solution is God's kingdom. Of course, that would leave us under the authority of yet another totalitarian ruler, one whose very son can be proven to be a hoax.
So what do we do? We are surrounded by hoaxes and manipulation. But the lives we lead and everything we know, everything familiar is built on lies and the agenda of power hungry men. How do we fight it? What is the solution? Is there a solution?
Personally, I don't think we will see imporvement in our lifetime. I've said on this forum before, that if we don't blow ourselves up, then many, many years from now mankind will have it all figured out. There will be no more religion or government or economy as we know it. People will have learned that peace and harmony cannot be achived my the means we use today. But what can we do now to inch ever so slightly to that place? To pave the way for future generations? Any ideas?