I'm not a big fan of internet shopping. What about you?
What Have You Purchased Thru The Internet?
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
I usually buy used books and video games through the internet. I also get my nutritional supplements (protien powders and such) because prices are a little bit better than GNC or The Vitamin Shoppe.
I love it. I buy flights, book hotels, buy cd's, books, clothes, get phone contracts cheaply. To a cetain extent it makes life easier. But there are still something's i'll never buy on the internet like shoes, they never fit properly. Things that have to fit i dont etc.
my wife has also purchased things to.... let's say to enhance her experience in certain activities when we're together and the kids are at the sitters.
I've booked hotels and vacations too. But I'm always uncomfortable doing it.
Books, CD's, DVD's, a camera, a range cooker, a chicken coop, airline tickets, a package holiday, train tickets, concert tickets, condoms, sex toys.
Never had any problems. My magic rabbit's foot allows me full SSL-VPN point-to-point encryption using a 1,024 bit Blowfish algorhtym...
I book hotels, buy phones, phone plans, video games(systems), bought computers....... I'm know there's more I can't think of at the moment.
Flights, hotel rooms, theater tickets, movie tickets, books, CD's, clothing, dance shoes, household appliences,photo development,gifts...
I have also bought ALLOT.... car parts, a truck (ebay), fans, lights, travel, frames, etc etc... so far so good!
Furs and jewelry from shopgoodwill.com. When my dear grandmother died, I cleaned her room. She was a simple soul who did not want a lot of material things. But I was saddened to see the nice things people had given her unused along with the worn-out clothes she always wore. There was no evidence of any fun times. So I decided that I did not want my daughter and granddaughter to feel this way when I was gone. So I bought mink stoles, a beautiful fur coat, lots of bling-bling and am conscious of having my picture taken wearing these things at time so that those I leave behind will feel that I had a good life and enjoyed myself.
I've had that shoe problem, too. They didn't fit.
I usually buy books and housewares at local thrift stores. These items are much less expensive purchased locally. The same is true for casual clothing or painting and heavy housekeeping attire.