I was given the boot because I was caught preparing a black mass at Memorial night with the PO's 3-year old son as sacrificial victim
Kidding , I just left because I found out it wasn't the Truth(tm) after all.
- Deus Mauzzim
by BuzbyU 39 Replies latest jw friends
I was given the boot because I was caught preparing a black mass at Memorial night with the PO's 3-year old son as sacrificial victim
Kidding , I just left because I found out it wasn't the Truth(tm) after all.
- Deus Mauzzim
I've been successfully fading since October 2005. Did you notice that there are three double letters in the word "successfully?"
I would have to say that "fallen away" is not exactly right. Those who don't go to meetings anymore have "walked away." I like that better because it negates any perceived weakness on the part of the person. It's not weakness, it is that the person is less and less under the influence of the WTS's addictive drugs and can finally begin to think straight and for him/her self.
I didn't get DF'ed and didn't send an offical DA letter so I guess I faded out which was more like a ran for the hills. Luckily for me I had just moved to a new cong and people didn't really know where to find me so nobody came looking. Interesting enough under the advice of my then elder father he told me not to talk to anyone if I didn't want to and so I did!
I do find it interesting that there are still practicing JW's on here, while I did a lot of things I wasn't suppose to do while still in the religon, the thought never occured to me to even look for a site like this on the internet. I would never tell anyone what to do or what to believe however I would encourage everybody still going to meetings to find their own "Truths" and to not be afraid of leaving, for the consquences will be a much bigger reward then the burden of living a double life.
In the words of my father "You are under no obligation no matter how deep into it to have any meetings with judical elders or defend why you are leaving, just leave!
~Mad Love Miss Bliss (Newbie)
Currently active elder "in good standing" here.
OK, let's see if I can get a few of these JWD lost sheep back to the K Hall.
*Open Mind slips into Kaa the Snakes uniform (Jungle Book)*
"Look deep into my eyes. Yeeeesssssss. That's it.
*starts humming*
"Trust..........in meeeee. Juuuussssttt, TRUST, in meeeeee. "
*slips more and more coils around BuzbyU*
"Trust, ..........in me. Juuuussssttt......"
Out of nowhere, the tiger claws of AK-Jeff and others interrupt Open Mind's attempts at mind control!!
Foiled again!!!
Sorry Craptower.
I'm trying, but these lost sheep just keep on "waking up" every time I almost get them to sleep.
Tee hee.
Welcome to the board BuzbyU!!!
Open Mind
DA...had I realized that I no longer had to play their game, I would have faded.
There's lots of different ones here, some even still active, incognito ;-)
I DA'd myself last month after fading out about 10 years ago ;-)
Walked away - not faded, df'd or da'd that I know of. Left 24 years ago and couldn't be happier!
Welcome to JWD
Quit at age 18, 27 years ago.
Fading for the last six years. I don't think anyone has hope for me other than my wife. Too bad she thinks I may return someday.
and that is so, .. oooo not going to happen. Are you in Northern IL?