Here is my answer to refute all of this:
1. Where ever two or more of you are gathered in my name, there I am in your midst.
2. Paul, who was a FDS in his time, praised the Berians for doing their own independent research on his talks to make sure he was not lying to them.
3. Use your powers of reasoning.
4. Paul quit thinking like a babe and began thinking like a man. Babies need to be told everything. Adults do their own thinking.
5. Make sure of all things. Hold fast to what is true. I am sure that the word "make sure" is a verb requiring action on our part.
6. Keep on exhorting one another and building one another up all the more so as the end draws near. Or some such thing.
7. Pray for understanding and then the one who answers in secret something like make your paths straight. I don't have a Bible with me.
8. The holy spirit will guide or direct you. I'm sure there is a scripture that supports this.
9. Do not be lording it over the congregation. Too much control and bossiness by elders.
10. ...those lead along by every wind of teaching.
11. Blind guides and followers. They follow each other into a pit.
12. One man sharpens the face of another.
There is more but I can't remember all of the scriptures that flat out prove their counsel wrong. Too many to count.
With love, Chenoa