Please be very careful here. This would be an opportune time for the elders to ask one of those sticky questions. "Do you believe the FDS?" stuff and "Is there anything that would keep you from accepting an appointment to MS? Any questions on your part will tip them to your apostate thinking. If they have spoken to your wife and if she has said anything that could be harmful to you, anything you say that contradicts her could also be damaging. They have no qualms pitting wife against husband for the sake of keeping the congregation clean.
yes, thanks for the warning. it would be real surprise to me if they could speak with my wife without my knowledge. she would tell me 100%. im sure. whenever i had a visit before i smiled, told them what they want to hear and wait until they leave. i never told them anything personal (in that case i was rebellious my whole life). of course the questions they ask may be harder then last time.
you know what? its really hard for me to answer the first question. i think i couldnt state "yes, i believe in the fds" - it feels dirty to say that. i more likely would say, i believe in god/jesus... but that of course could give them a clue. i hope they dont ask something like this. both elders that want to visit me are very shy ones. i think they fear such questions. The appointment question would be easy to answer. I could say that i dont feel like accepting such things since i feel like i need to do more before :D haha.
i expect more something like they could tell me that really need a MS and trying to give me strength to regain my old strength. maybe asking how they can help me or asking if they can go into service with me (puke... how to answer this one. its kinda forbidden to say "no" lol if you say generally "no" its apostate thinking 100% what means i have to say yes and go at least one time with the elder into ministry. lets hope he is as lazy as most elders when it comes to service).