Does it make you feel good when you tell Jaracz and Company how much they suck, how they're gonna disintegrate and why you're so pissed?
Do You Feel Good Telling Off The GB & Other Watchtower Officials Here?
by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends
Hell yeah; if they want the good life, they'll have to work for it. They'll get no money or time from me.
But you might be hurting their feelings.
John Doe
I prefer to be more direct with my condemnations. Talking about their teachings is one thing, but speaking of them personally here is a bit like talking behind someone's back. Doing so is human nature, but I still don't like it. I do, in fact, defend people at times simply because they're not here to fend for themselves, even when I don't agree with them. Perhaps I'm weird.
minimus: an eye for an eye.
They don't care about us.
We're dead to them.
Not one answer.
I got not a single answer to any of my sincere questions.
Just a "where else will we go?".
Not good enough.
I don't attack the individuals. For one I don't know most of them personally and second it's the entire religion I have a problem with.
The organization attacks us individually, turn about is fair play! JK
Tyrone van leyen
Yes Minimus, It is like cool waters, that refresh my very soul. Come one, come all, to the watering hole! Come and drink lifes water free, all those of you, on Jwd. For all of you,who wern't given a choice, for all those victims, that had no voice. Rejoice, rejoice! The time of the end, is very near, as the cracks in the tower start to appear. Yes, those crusty old bastards are quaking with fear, quaking with fear! The power once held is starting to wilt, no longer our souls, to be ridden with guilt. No longer held captive by viscious lies, we like the phoenix, from the ashes rise. There future is certain, in stone it is set. They will be brought to their knees by the internet. Every knee shall bend, despite their size, if you keep your eyes on the prize.
Tyrone van Leyen
You see Minimus, they have never had accountability and have ruined many lives. The cries grow louder every day. I don't know these people personally, but there must be a counter to these bullies and I know dam well that they read every stinkin word on this board. Nobody gives me a life sentence and walks away. They are so lucky they havn't had there freakin headquarters bombed. It's actually miraculous. Despite how much I hate the elders who did this to me, in a way they are all victims. The real power brokers are like raging bulls, steam rollers in fact. That plough through human lives with no regrets. Politicians are public figures who get cariactured and mocked by the media. This keeps them in line. The GB does a very public job but want no publicity unless its good. Wheres the balance. Wheres the accountability. Its time they took there lumps in any way possible. Its time people got to vent and heal from the outrageous, damage they have caused. They have a moral and social responsibilty towards good but gulible folks and they are out of control.