Nicely done, Tyrone.
Do You Feel Good Telling Off The GB & Other Watchtower Officials Here?
by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends
For me it feels good to be heard and understood, and to be validated by fellow forum members. I do wish to justice for all who have been harmed by the organization, but as far as individuals, unless they have harmed me, I wouldnt feel good at all in telling them off simply because they are a part of something that hurt me. To me it is the bigger picture of the organization, how they handle things at the top that spirals down to the individual congregations, and then to the individual. It is that heirarchy of power that has harmed so many all to protect their good name. There are many sweet, kind ordinary individuals who chose to belong to this organization, they do not deserve my wrath.
Minimus- The governing body members, Jaracz and others he allows to have input in decisions have the power to change all the unjust crap that goes on in the Jehovah's Witness organization. They choose not to. Mrs. Flipper and I concur we should rip them a new a$$hole often and always ,at every chance. They deserve it. They certainly have not considered the feelings of thousands of child molestation victims by burying them and their heartbreak in a corner, yet covering up for perverts they allow to go door to door to recruit more victims. When does it end? So there we vented, Mrs. Flipper and I do feel better, now we can go to bed. Peace out, Mr. & Mrs. Flipper
I understand that the GB and others suck but when some of you folks make threads ADDRESSED to these people, it's absurd. Like Jaracz reads JWD?
I have no doubts that someone from bethel reads these forums, but he is likely in the legal department looking for infringements or incriminating details about high profile posters/informants. It might be blowing off some steam, but I don't think it ever reaches the intended target.
It feels good to blow off a little steam now and then, but I'm not under any illusions. The JWs didn't give a shit for my opinions when I was one of them, and there's no reason for them to care what I think now.
The Watchtower warthogs in Brooklyn permit no "loyal opposition" to voice the concerns which arise in the minds of thinking people inside the Kingdom Halls.
Thinkers are driven underground. Fear, guilt, anger and puzzlement follow. It isn't healthy.
The sorrow and the pity of forums for discussion is that an emotional payload is bound to come out right away; having been stored up under pressure. Clashes result. Conflicts arise. Arguments ensue. T'aint pretty.
The Theocratic Ministry School just doesn't teach conflict resolution on doctrinal matters. So, anxious JW's are completely untrained, inept and defensive when they finally get their say. (This comes out in Judicial Committee meetings too.)
Curious JW's who are surfing the Net and find the JWD must be bug-eyed! Lights go off inside their conditioned response mechanism and sirens begin blasting! What are they to make of so much FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION??
I think stray sheep who wander here will get out of it exactly what they put into it. Idle curiousity won't do them much good.
As far as the Governing Body members seeing what goes on would be impossible.
They would have to be violating their own dictums about visiting Apostate sites! Not could they assign somebody at Bethel to keep tabs.
I'll bet the Porno site filters, Apostate filters and surveillance of staff are so ironclad and dangerous nobody would dare.
So, in direct answer to the question you pose in your header: I can't feel confident anything I say will make the slightest bit of difference to the higher ups. The Ivory Tower is soundproof.
You're right----they don't give a sh*t about what we write.
I think it's more therapeutic for the those that write and vent...but honestly...I seriously doubt the intended party is paying attention...
Minimus..Of course..It`s entertaining to know they read our stuff..Did`nt "mouthy" get yelled at,at a bethel protest LOL!!..They told her outright,they know what we write about them...OUTLAW