Hey - know that you are not alone!
In fact, your story is so much like mine right now in a lot of ways, that I can't "expose" which parts, because the world's a very small place (especially where I live) and I'd like to keep as much anonymity as possible.
I have drifted away 'successfully' though - but that also means I currently have no friends on the inside, and no friends on the outside. I've never been the "partying and drinking all night" type of guy, and most non-JWs around here are. So I'm very much alone. Thankfully I quite enjoy my own company. Aside from myself, I have contact with my close family who are still inside - but since I'm not disfellowshipped or disassociated yet, they can have some contact with me. But none from my so-called friends on the inside. They are afraid of me, because whatever I have caught may rub off on them... I know, 'cause I used to think like them. So I don't really blame them.
Anyway - starting to babble now... Good luck - you're in a tough spot right now, as am I I guess, but I think we'll make it anyway.
Don't underestimate the psycological impact such a change in life and your outlook on life may have though. I think I might have. But after a while, you'll know how to handle life without the witnesses, and how to get a new outlook on life itself. Of course - "ever lasting, perfect life in a paradise" is a hard act to follow, but as long as that 'act' is false... Not so hard after all.
I shouldn't be so cocky though - I haven't actually left yet, I'm just inactive. But I have my reasons. Even though my brain is 100% certain I'm right, my.... heart? ... sometimes is not. But this is a normal reaction pattern for someone departing a cult, as I've found out.
Anyway - you're not alone, so if you need some help just figuring life out, I think you'll get some good advice here.
Good luck.