I am stuck in a life I don't want and can't see the way out

by Orgull 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AudeSapere
    Blues Brother wrote: Think about this. Caring for aged parents is a laudable and noble thing to do. But do you really want to be there for a long time? As they get older it will be harder to cope with and harder and harder to break away. If you are willing to accept that responsibility for the best years of your life, fine., you are a saint, but do not get yourself trapped in a situation that you come to regret.....

    Read this a few times and really mediate on it.

    Your purpose for living is not to make your parents' lives more comfortable.

    Your purpose for living is to create a life that you enjoy and want to live. It's your responsibility to find that life.

    It's tough work but the journey is interesting and will be as rewarding as you make it.


  • lavendar
    I didn't strike up a conversation with anybody but I didn't feel my usual panic when surrounded by 'worldy' people.

    Hi Orgull,

    I guess I would be one of those "worldly" people you mentioned. I've never been a JW, nor has any of my family; but our son is married to a Witness gal and she's been slowly dragging him into the organization.

    It's so sad the way the WTS installs such a FEAR in their members about anyone who is different from THEM. What a shame. There are so many wonderful, caring, loving people out there. But, the WTS tells you they are "under satan's influence".

    As you break the stranglehold that the WTS has over you, you will find the world isn't such a horrid place, as the organization teaches. I'm so happy that you are seeing the real truth about the WTS. God bless you!


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Check out sites that help potential roomies make connections and share the rent with someone. TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE!!!!!

  • BlackPearl

    Today was better.

    I did something I never do. I had to get lunch while doing my shopping and errands (friends wedding tomorrow). Usually when I eat alone, I sit in my car so I have privacy and don't have to deal with people. Today I went into the grocery store where they have a sandwich shop with tables and chairs and I ate my lunch surrounded by people. It was cool. I didn't strike up a conversation with anybody but I didn't feel my usual panic when surrounded by 'worldy' people.

    I'll have to do that again.

    I've also come up with a workeable plan to miss my first meeting in over 5 years and not raise any eyebrows. I'll be housesitting for another branch of my family in two weeks and everyone in my cong will know I'm away and are assuming I'm going to the meetings there. Simple and happy.


    Orgull, good job! You can do it, keep it up. If I were there, I'd have lunch with you! We all would.


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