Has Anyone Ever Refused To Turn In Their Elder Manual ???? What Happened??

by Lady Liberty 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Hello Friends,

    Inlight of the new post from Elsewhere regarding the Elders Manual, it got me wondering what the Elder body would do if a Elder refused to turn in their manual. I suppose there isn't alot they could do, but has it ever happened to any of you??


    Lady Liberty

  • nvrgnbk

    I couldn't produce mine when it was requested.

    It really was lost.

    I think the demons were hiding it.

    I later found it.

    It's in Spanish and has funny notes in it about animal husbandry and the sexual manipulation of agrarian animals.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I've got a feeling that I'm going to accidentally "lose" mine.

    What are they gonna do? Fire me?

    Open Mind

  • sspo

    They can Df you for not following Theocratic Arrangment.

  • rekless

    I never turned my in and nobody asked.

    The book is a bunch of bunk anyway.

  • Open mind
    Open mind
    They can Df you for not following Theocratic Arrangment.

    Only if you're copping an attitude. I've never heard of anyone getting DFed for incompetence.

    Open Mind

  • minimus

    I told them that I'd turn it in as soon as I located it. When I did "locate" it, I gave it to a well respected "apostate" that requested it so that he could scan it for nefarious purposes.

  • KW13

    Well if they ask for it back then fail to obtain it, they cant do more because it proves the secret book exists...you run away, leave end of.

  • Quentin

    When my dad died his pioneer partner asked me to return all of dad's jw literature, even his personel nwt...I declined of course...only thing I kept was the old Aid book and dad's nwt...thought it was rather cheeky of him to ask, but then jw's can be ignorantly bold from time to time....

  • Stephanus

    Theft, fire, storm damage - there's lots of ways the Devil can attack the glorious ones.

    Bonus points to the elder who can get a second copy after "losing" the first.

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