...anything and everything that can be locked, I lock. My car gets locked always, I've even locked myself out of it on many occasions.
How Many Here Actually Lock Their Doors At Night?
by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends
I lock my doors at all times, particularly since an unsuccessful home invasion attempt in 1995.
yep..definitely lock the doors and windows....day and night if I am not here Except for one window I leave open a crack....I have a back window in the house that is cracked 4 inches (for air flow) with a security lock above it to keep it from being opened wider (that and there is thick wire secured to the outside of the window...it can be pulled off, but it would be a hassle.) I once had a punk come through my tiny bathroom window (about 8 inches of clearance when opened)...he was a skinny punk. I caught him once and chased him off. (story for a different day)
...although the other night I forgot and left the door wide open with the keys in the lock. Went to bed. Next morning..all was still well. Not bad since I live in the 'Hood.
I definitely lock my car if I am going to be away from it.I use my car 8 hours a day to work out of. It is so hard on the starter/transmission to start and stop it at each location I visit (50-70 stops a day) that I leave the car running, but roll up the windows and lock it with a spare key. Even in the worst areas I have had no problems so far (knock on wood after 2 years + doing this). You would think my gas mileage would suffer greatly but I get 20-25mpg (I lose about 5mpg, 10 if I run the A/C) instead of 25-30 in the city. (Highway I have recently gotten 42-47mpg...NOT a hybrid)
SnakesInTheTower (of the "security aware not yet paranoid" Sheep Class)
I didn't always back in Minnesota.. (northern, rural).. for sure growing up we didn't.. we used to even leave the keys in the ignition of the car..
In Cali.. I look everything.. I dont' even leave the car open to walk back and forth to bring in groceries.. and I am careful about leaving windows open that would be easy to break into now that I am on a first floor apartment
I lock the house and car,
Yes, and I have a Glock just in case.
I ALWAYS lock doors and windows. As soon as I get in, I lock them.
Ok, I'm bad.....We never do. I only lock the car doors if I have just shopped, and have to make another stop.
We live in a very small town....but thats no excuse. You would think after all the stuff we have been through, we would.....its just a matter of getting in the habit.
The other night, someone threw a really large branch at our patio door, and then went and tapped on my daughters window. Not that long ago, I woke up to a guy, hovering over me in bed..thinking it was my son, just a talking away, till i realized it wasnt him. We got up as he shut our bedroom door, and my bf told him to get out! He was so drunk.......and says " I would If I knew the way out!" Well, by the time I got down the steps, he was putting on his shoes.....yes, he took his shoes off when he came in, I recognized him. It was an aquatance of my daughter. He was walking and must have recognized our house, and just came in thinking it was someone elses home.
So.....maybe its time I start, ya think? (k, dont yell at me) lmfao
Those with evil intents will look to rob, rape or murder anyone that's an easy mark.
My doors and windows are always locked...double locks on all the doors.
I lock my bedroom door when I go to bed, I don't want to awaken with someone standing over me...friend or foe!