Wow Nathan! I'm definetly gonna lock my doors---for sure!
How Many Here Actually Lock Their Doors At Night?
by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends
My car sits in the driveway unlocked and with the keys in the ignition...of course it is an old car 97... but still working. I do lock up the house at night.
I always lock up, house, EVERYTHING. I live in a heavily wooded area near railroad tracks, and I definitely made sure I locked up after I found out about a serial killer hitching rides on trains and killing people nearby the tracks.
The fact also that my place was broken into twice in broad daylight pushes me to lock up at night. I have forgotten my keys in the door quite a few times, but they're always still there the next day.
I keep everything locked, even when home. Double locks on windows, security system. I am worried about home invasion robberies, we have them now and then in our town. I forgot to close the garage one night recently, was upset with myself the next morning when I discovered it. No defenses otherwise; if I had a gun a burglar would just take it away from me and use it on me.
I worked in law enforcement for several years and processed all the burglaries and robberies and rapes in this area for the FBI. You can bet I lock my door and make sure my windows are locked. You'd be stunned how many times I read, "door was left unlocked" "window was open" "garage door left open and connecting door unlocked" etc.
.....why make it easy for them????
I lock the house doors, windows, set the alarm and sleep with a loaded musket under my bed. Even if you live in a so called "safe" neighorhood, you never know who's passing through.
As far as locking up my vehicle, it depends. I once went to a shopping mall and when I came back out the side window on my SUV was smashed out. An old leather jacket and a brand new $19.99 dust buster that I just bought was the only think that was stolen. But what was worse was that the idiot numb nuts that broke in bent the window frame on my vehicle, probably with a swing of his crowbar. Ended up costing me several hundred dollars just to get it fixed and repainted! If only I had of kept the door unlocked I could of saved us both alot of trouble...
We always lock all doors and windows.
San Diego, was service where they email you all crimes occurring in a chosen radius around you address. mostly boring, citation, occasional DUI, narcotics, assault or burglary.
I keep everything locked EXCEPT the triggers of several pieces of protection.
Yes! Absolutely ALWAYS!!! There are a few nutters out there, you know!
However, this does NOT mean that the world is about to end or that God is going to bring Armageddon, so I do not worry to much about the 'door locking' trend!!