Heebie Jeebies over FDSC, and how to make your elders eyes glaze over.

by coaster 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • coaster

    For a few years now I have been getting a weird feeling with the oh-so-frequent use of term Faithful and Discreet Slave, and some times Class added. I mention the added part cause we always say "Is the word Trinity found in the Bible?" Nope, and neither is the phrase FDSC. And yes I the same Heebie Jeebies every memorial when I don't feel I should be there, and we have the silent non-purposeful-passing, and then the speaker reaches out and touches the plate at the last second!

    So I reasearched every parable in and around Mathew 24 and there are about 14 if recall, and they all are basically saying to be on the watch, be ready, be doing what you are supposed to be. Great, these are friggin illustrations though, and mostly about the same things. We are told the FDS started in 33CE with the pouring out of Holy Spirit in the upper room. These folks HAD to be a dang close link to pure knowledge and truth. I mean they could instantly speak or do something with their tounges, heal people, raise people from the dead, and expell demons. They were super FDSC right? So what did they call themselves? NOT FDS! Not once.

    So what term did they generally use to refer to themselves? That is the question to ask your favorite elder or CO. Dang it now I can't get this yellow to go away and I only wanted to highlight the first two sentences!

    And how do you guys cut and paste other posts to make them look like a newspaper cut-out, I have tried and tried.

    So anyway, when I asked that question to my CO and my favorite elder in a serious private meeting, you could hear a pin drop in the Library. They looked at each other, them back at me, they looked at each other again, then back at me, and, to my great surprize said what I did not expect......"What did they call themselves?"

    It is the same thing at least a dozen times, so let me know if you have noticed this. I can post my response to their almost humble question later.

    Thanks, and thanks for all your help as I have been a real mess for the past two years and am new here.


  • UnConfused

    First, welcome.
    Second, mess for two years huh, join the club, and membership is free and you CAN leave any time. It's not like Hotel California or JWism

    Third, I'm waiting with baited breath to hear the answer to this. Don't make me do research!

  • lisavegas420

    And how do you guys cut and paste other posts to make them look like a newspaper cut-out, I have tried and tried.

    I got this one...you copy what you want to paste, hit the reply button, and then hit the paste button. Then hightlight the area you just copied and then the Quote button, (the one that looks like a word bubble with quotation marks.

    What I don't know is how to turn the yellow hightlight off.


    Oh and you edit before you hit submit or you get a lot of corrections at the bottom

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    A very simply but yet fundamental question.

    I'm not sure if I am technically correct on this, but I believe according to the Watchtower they teach that the Faithful Slave was appointed at Pentecost. If true it would be quite an amazing thing that they never refered to themselves as such.

    It is obviously an interpretation that was crafted for their own purposes, not something that had been used in early Christian times.

  • Hermano


    I await the dropping of the other shoe.

  • nvrgnbk
    I mean they could instantly speak or do something with their tounges, heal people, raise people from the dead, and expell demons. They were super FDSC right? So what did they call themselves? NOT FDS! Not once.

    So what term did they generally use to refer to themselves?

    They were a biker gang- The Tongues of Fire.

  • coaster

    I got this one...you copy what you want to paste, hit the reply button, and then hit the paste button. Then hightlight the area you just copied and then the Quote button, (the one that looks like a word bubble with quotation marks.

    Amazing LisaVegas! it works and yet dang the yellow is still here. Thanks. Neat trick, but how did you ever figure it out?

    I I don't get anymore interest in this Biblical topic, I am going to keep my studies to myself!

    yellow coaster

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Coaster - love all your new posts - a belated welcome to the board!

    Where, when and why did the "class" bit get added? I'm so spiritually weak I can't remember! LOL

  • coaster

    Sweet Pea, Class may be open soon. I do not remember when we figured out that one slave was a class, but may find it in the Proclaimers book. I'll let you know. Ain't this a Damn good place?


  • coaster

    Sweetpea, the info below is from page 532 from the 1954 Watchtower, and I have not been able to confirm if it is the first explanation of it being a CLASS yet, but this may be it.



    But now in this "time of the end" of this world there is one other feature of the theocratic organization that we must recognize. What? The "faithful and discreet slave." Jesus, in his detailed prophecy on evidences that would mark the "time of the end" when he would be invisibly present, said he would then appoint such a "faithful and discreet slave." "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings." (Matt. 24:45-47, NW) The world events since A.D. 1914, and particularly the events among Jehovah’s people since A.D. 1918, give visible evidence that the Lord Jesus Christ, having come into his kingdom, has come to God’s spiritual temple to carry on the final judgment at the "house of God" and, in expression of his judgment work, he has found a "faithful and discreet slave" and has appointed him over all his belongings, all his visible Kingdom interests on earth. (1 Pet. 4:17) Hence in order to render complete recognition of the theocratic organization today, we have to take recognition of this "faithful and discreet slave" that the returned Lord and Judge has appointed over all his belongings. We cannot sidestep this.


    For years it used to be thought that this "faithful and discreet slave" was one man or was the responsible office to be filled by an individual man. But is the visible theocratic organization dependent upon any single man for spiritual "food at the proper time"? No; and now in the light of accomplished prophecies we correctly see that the appointed "slave" is a class, the remnant or the remaining ones of the anointed, spiritual followers of Jesus Christ who are called to be joint heirs with him in his heavenly kingdom. Today, in administering all the belongings of the Lord Jesus on earth, this "slave" class serves the "food at the proper time," not only to the members of the anointed remnant, but now also to a "great crowd" of the Lord’s "other sheep," the faithful believers who await an earthly destiny in the new world. Since the Lord has appointed the "slave" class to administer all his visible belongings, the Lord Jesus as the Right Shepherd does not feed his sheep on earth today by any other than this "slave."

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