Heebie Jeebies over FDSC, and how to make your elders eyes glaze over.

by coaster 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gopher

    Coaster - a technical hint regarding yellow highlighting:

    It's kind of like the highlighter folks used on their copy of the Watchtower study article. (Creepy, eh?)

    First you type your entire post.

    Then go back and highlight only what you want to emphasize.

    Hope this helps.

  • bebu

    coaster (WELCOME, btw!)

    Here's THE REAL way to get rid of the yellow--or red--without needing to go back, even. (Though that is an easy way to do it if you don't make mistakes.)

    HIghlight the sentences that are yellow or formatted in a way that you want to change back to normal. Then, right above the "font" menu, just left of center, is a funky icon next to a paperclip. That is the "clear formatting" command. Click it and your sentences are cleared of unusual formatting.

    BTW, I really think you asked a powerful question. Good for coming up with it!!

    And did you know that the WTS teaches today that they NEVER taught the FDS doctrine as being an individual (ie, CT Russell)? This despite the early WT mags which did indeed call him that.


  • Gopher

    Bebu - thanks for that tip, but I don't make misteaks!

    As far as your question Coaster, I have no idea in the world what the "real" name for the FDS is. The JW's take Matt 24:45-47 and that phrase way too far.

    Maybe there is no real term. Maybe ideally everyone is just meant to be brother and sister. And there are a few organizers. No classes. I'm talking in general, not just Christianity. (Idealistic?)

  • Honesty

    Welcome to the real world, coaster!!!

    You can stay as long as you wish...

    No regular Field Service Report is required

    No shunning is allowed

    Ties are optional

    Everyone has privileges of Service here

    You can leave anytime you want and return in the same manner without fear of being considered 'week'

    BTW, why didja mess with the CO and elder with a question that required 'independent thinking' and critical evaluation?

  • bebu
    Bebu - thanks for that tip, but I don't make misteaks!

    Gopher, yore you're a site whole bunch smarter than me. I editt so much I should have over 10,000 posts by now... and be a supreme bean.


  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Thanks for the clarification on the 'class' facts Coaster, how could I have been so dumb?

    Off course it's a class and not an individual now Russell and Rutherford are gone and they all want a piece of the action.

    It bugs me no end that those other parables are treated as such and yet this one is the basis of the whole JW religion and is really a prophecy - Jesus was hiding this fact at the time though! Naughty Jesus.

    It is arrogant, presumptuous and blasphemous, to say the least.

  • ninja

    yep sweet pea...I wouldn't liked to have been in Jesus shoes when they two got their hands on him

  • coaster

    Okay everyone, now the answer to the question my CO HATED to ask me, and by the way thanks for your comments. If you read Acts onward in one sitting, you will find that the early brothers did refer to themselves in a very certain manner, and yes maybe these guys all had the heavenly hope. The were almost always:

    1. the "chosen ones"

    2. the "ones chosen"

    3 those "chosen"

    Never, not ONCE did these super spirit people refer to themselves as: Faithful and Discreet Slave, Faithful and Discreet Class is still in, or the SLAVE. I's sure my CO and his elder buddy were rackin their brains, and all they could think of was some kind SLAVE word, and yet it was never even used.

    It was a good moment--Coaster

  • yaddayadda

    Good research dude. What a feeling to stump a CO!

    Here's another stumper you could embarass them with:-

    You (clever little independent-thinking JW): "So Matthew 24:46.47 says that "Happy is that slave if his master on ARRIVING finds him doing so. Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings", right?

    Elders: "Yep".

    You: "So when does the Watchtower Society say that Jesus arrived and appointed his 'faithful and discreet slave' (class) over all his belongings?"

    Elders: "Errm..Aahh...I believe that was in 1919."

    You: "Correct. That is when the Society say this scripture was fulfilled. Now, please turn with me to Matt 25: 31 and read that...shuffle, shuffle..."When the Son of man ARRIVES in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne."...Notice that the same word 'arrives' is used here. So, brothers, when does the Society say this scripture will be fulfilled.?

    Elders: "Eerrm...aaah...I think the new understanding is that this is a future time, when the great tribulation starts."

    You: "Correct! In other words, the Society says that ARRIVING in Matt 24: 47 was in 1919 and ARRIVES in Matt 25: 31 is in the future! What do you think about that brothers?"

    Elders: "Errm...aaaah...my wife is expecting me home now so we will have to talk about this another time..."

    Elders pack up their bags and scurry off with strange looks on their faces.

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