I think I owe the board an apology

by LaniB 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    If I could be considered normal.

    As normal as a 10,000+ post member of JWD can be.


    Your here to heal..Stop beating your self up..Or..We will have to beat you up..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Blueblades

    Lani...no apology is necessarry. The Watchtower owes everyone an apology and that will never happen! Keep on posting and sharing.


  • coaster
    Melancholy yes, but I haven't hit the bottle yet so its not alcoholly.

    Wow-Lisavegas just taught me how to post a quote like that!

    I love your post, I am new and feel it's all about me........see?

    What I was wondering from the above quote is if you are trying not to hit the bottle, cause I am. Been sober for over a month, and nearly drank myself to death not long ago. Bottle was the only way I could live with myself while being a JW. Anyway, hang in there. That Bottle justs likes me WAY too much, and I have decided to live without him. It sure did not make life any more bearable.


  • RollerDave

    Lani, you are fine.

    No worries.

    It CAN be hard to find the line between responding to a post with just enough of your own story to identify, and hijacking, but I haven't been offended by your posts.

    And if you needed an ear, what of it?

    You got nothing to apologise for,


  • lisavegas420
    Wow-Lisavegas just taught me how to post a quote like that!

    I just love it when I can help someone out.

    I find this board is like a one-stop shopping. If I need to know anything, I come here first. Biblical, technical, relationships, cooking...someone here knows something about everything!!!


  • Stealth453

    No need to appologize. This is a place where we can vent, ask for advice, and/or give it. No real rules. Just continue to be the person you are, and that will be cool with all of us.

  • WTWizard

    I suggest you continue to "selfishly" seek your own interests on this board, as respects the Watchtower Society. Why? You might ask a question and get several answers, and then those answers will help 50 people that are lurking but haven't yet joined. It might also be one of those answers (or even your original query) that gets someone who is still trapped in the Tower to look at this board and set that person free. Selfish? Hardly--if you set one person free in doing this (intentionally or not), you will likely have helped that person create some value. And you might even create some value in the process.

  • anewme

    Yes like the others are saying LaniB, getting out of the cult is a big step, but you realize you dont even know yourself anymore and what you believe or how you feel! You took on the cult mind so thoroughly you have to begin again to reacquaint yourself WITH YOU AND THE REST OF THE WORLD! Like, "Hi world, my name is LaniB, whats been happening since I have been gone?"

    Its weird when you first get out and come on the internet and see the Watchtower from a new perspective with new opened eyes. It takes a lot of adjusting and readjusting.

    What would you say guys, how long does it take to fully feel free and yourself again?

    In my case it took almost two years of joining JWD and logging on daily and reading and writing more than ever in my life to finally feel settled and healed from the awful experience of bondage to the cult.
    But I was slow to let go I think. Hope in your case you wise up quicker and enjoy life sooner!

    Welcome to you LaniB!


  • changeling

    Please don't feel bad. We all come here initially seeking shelter form the storm. The storm of the emotions that surface when we come face to face with the hypocrisy and betrayal of an org. and way of life we once held dear. You will emerge from this phase, I can assure you, and someone else will use your shoulder to cry on. For now and always we are here in whatever capacity you need.

    Glad you're here,


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