Thanks for the welcome.
I called my mom last night. She said my nephew that had gotten his teeth knocked out accidently, had them replaced already.
I doubt any one from the congregation helped him finance it. I was told the dentist was willing to do it first with a down payment and take payments for the rest of the bill.
My sister's side door to her house had a big piece tore out of it due to a dog they have that is extremely scared of lightening and freaks out. The dog heard lightening storms while my sister was away for the day and managed to scratch and chew a 8" gap in the old door trying to get out.
Well my sisters old house was built in the 1930's when I guess builders just made doors and windows the size they felt like. The door and doorway isn't standard size like started to do in the 50's.. So, if the door needs replaced then it has to be custom made.
Well, after it happened over two years ago, she told me an elder in her congregation did that kind of carpenter work and he told her he would replace her door as a favor, being she was living on food stamps ,her husband a former JW had left the family when my sister got sick.
She had newspaper and cardboard taped over the gap.
Several months later my hubby and I go down to visit and she still has the gap (wide gaping hole) in the bottom of the door with newspaper and cardboard taped over it. My hubby asked her about it being she told us before an JW carpenter in their congregation was going to build her a new door.
She seemed uncomfortable and mumbled something about she found out he wanted $ 140.00 to build it, And of course that was a fortune for her and her kids.
Well, we were visting for only a couple hours as we're almost two hours drive away, my hubby took a piece of plywood she had in her shed and cut a nice square piece and screwed the piece of plywood over the gap real secure. While he was at it he noticed the door knob was defective.If you twisted it a couple times, even though it was locked, it would open. So, he ran down to the hardware store and bought her a new doorknob/lock and installed it.
It's now a year later and she still has that square of plywood my hubby put over the gap on her door.
Not a word now about the man who was supposed to build her the new door.
I still haven't heard from her since she called to tell me about my son and her son chatting online and using bad language etc.
It's past 2 months now. I guess we're still being avoided. That's okay though. Now I know who I can't count on when I needed love and support the most. This was good for me to find out.
My hubby still points out how I was by her side almost non stop when she went through several years of illness and hard times.
At no time, no matter how stressful for me, (and it was so stressful I had high blood pressure and mini stroke worrying about her,) did I ever turn my face away from her, although so many times it would have been much easier on me to have done so.