One thing that I really enjoyed taking part in was shepherding the flock. I saw this as the perfect opportunity to really encourage others and help play a part in strengthening them.
I started to despise giving shepherding calls. The elders that I went with seemed to suck out any possible joy that both parties could receive from the visits. While I was ready and prepared to do what I can to offer encouragement and assistance, the elders seemed to make it worse for them by guilt-tripping. The flock never did enough. Their faults always became the dominant point of conversation. It was always obvious that ones on the receiving end were never really built up after the visits. I'm not saying at all that all elders are this way, but just the ones i've dealt with locally.
I found it quite funny how difficult it was when it came to me trying to schedule time with those receiving the shepherding. That shows just how those on the receiving end despise them as well. In many cases I just ended up giving up in scheduling the visits and just left them alone.
So you former Elders and Ministerial Servants....did you enjoy doing the shepherding calls? Those of on the receiving end.....did you enjoy the visits yourselves?