I remember back in the 1980s, they were done to prod people into doing more. Those who were doing reasonably well could expect a houndingshepherding call about 6 months after baptism, and another hounding shepherding call about once a year. The reason for those was to discuss pioneering and doing other service, like reaching out for extra burdensprivileges. Younger ones were hounded to go to Beth Hell. And of course there was the ever-present "You know you really could be doing more in the service".
Then shortly after 1990, the regular hounding shepherding calls stopped. After that, they started focusing on those who were becoming irregular in the misery, or who they thought might be listening to bad music or watching bad videos, or doing other questionable things for which they could be led for a marking or disfellowshipping later. I remember getting one because they felt my apartment wasn't tidy enough (what could they expect from a single brother that they were hellbent on keeping single, in addition to all the pioneering they wanted out of me?).
And of course, just before I began making things miserable for them by slipping between two congregations, the lead hounder actually had the nerve to tell me to just meet other men at the Great and Grand Boasting Sessions. This was presented as theocraptic arrangement for me, and of course I didn't accept it. They tried that "rebelling against theocraptic arrangement was the same as the sin of divination" crap on me, only to start having a very hard time getting me to go to the meetings at all. They never figured out why I stopped going, or why I ultimately went apostate (and I doubt they even know I turned apostate or that I even have a computer, since I didn't tell them and I want them to have to waste as much time and thinking as possible trying to catch me).
I wonder how many hounding shepherding calls they attempted to do on me, but I didn't answer the door or the phone. I have had three "care packages" (a card, a letter, and the month's Puketower and Asleep! magazines) sent to me, which I promptly shredded. I also got an invitation to the 2007 Crapmorial, which I blew off (I also blew off the 2006 Crapmorial and got a Ouija board that day instead of going). I am going to do all I can to make it as miserable as possible for them to try and arrange a hounding shepherding call with me.