What did I miss?

by OnTheWayOut 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    Okay, I stayed away from posting on JWD for 9 days. From catching up, I read of
    Mr. Flipper not getting DF'ed, there was a big to-do about the Sept. KM telling r&f
    that the Chicken Little Corp. does not endorse serious study in outside sources or
    in groups, and there was some war over some new site that tried to grab people from
    JWD. Also, I believe it was Arthur who called the writings of WTS as the Talmud.
    I like that. What else did I miss in the first week of August?

    By the way, I walked and bicycled and read a book and enjoyed my time away from
    the forum. I may have to break every once in a while.

  • JH

    In the summer time, I'm not on very often either, so I'll read what we both missed....

  • freeme

    are there really ppl here who actually CAN keep up with the forum? it sounds like a 14h/day job with at least 5 open explorer windows on a 2 monitor system.

    freeme is scared.

  • OnTheWayOut
    keep up with the forum?

    I don't want to know what topics of yadda yadda I missed, just the
    bigger stuff. I will figure out who joined. I will not really remember
    who prefers Honda over Toyota or who saw the Simpsons Movie.

    I just want to know big stuff and who got DF'ed or DA'ed or had a
    major discussion with someone over something.

    I think that's all we really NEED to know, the rest is just fun for
    those with the time to read and write.

  • FadingAway

    Hey OTWO, welcome back.

    ColdRedRain got banned from future District Conventions for pulling pranks there.

  • lisavegas420

    I don't think we should tell you. I think you should have just stayed here and kept up. That'll teach ya to go out and have fun without us.

    Just incase you missed it...My 14th anniversary to my worldly husband is tommorrow.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Happy anniversary LV420

  • lisavegas420

    thank you.


  • Honesty

    Bad idea, Onthewayout...

    what if you had misssed vital instructions regarding Armageddon while you were out stimulating your muscles?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    You have it summed up better than I could have - and I was here!

    Welcome back OTWO. In all that exercise you got - did you climb walls too?


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