What did I miss?

by OnTheWayOut 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    Funny, you should ask Jeff. I climbed one great wall in all my exercising. I PM'ed the details.

  • OnTheWayOut
    what if you had misssed vital instructions regarding Armageddon while you were out stimulating your muscles?

    Where have I heard that before? I think it was what they trained elders to say
    to those that were irregular at meetings. I think I even used this line:
    "Suppose our next service meeting at the Hall is the last one here because the
    government is banning our work? Suppose at this last meeting, we announce where
    the next secret meeting is, but you don't know because you skipped the meeting,
    what are you going to do?" WOW, what a robot I was.

    Thanks for the laugh.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Some former elders got together and put OTWO on "Secret Double Probation" for having the gall to stay away from the JWD "meetings".

    Glad you made some positive, enjoyable use of your time away from here OTWO.

    I'm gonna have to "go on the wagon" from JWD for a while one of these days. Not yet though. I'm still enjoying my addiction.

    Take care,

    Open Mind

  • OnTheWayOut

    Some former elders got together and put OTWO on "Secret Double Probation" for having the gall to stay away from the JWD "meetings".

    LOL. But I think it's supposed to be DOUBLE SECRET, not SECRET DOUBLE. Whichever.
    Let me reply by coughing into my hand with the sound, "Bullsh**!"

    If I ever get into trouble for skipping JWD, the answer would be a shout of "ROADTRIP!"

  • willyloman

    Just back from two weeks' vacation to the East Coast including New York (where I did NOT visit Bethel!) so I've missed a lot, too. I'm about 10 pages into "Active Topics" and already overwhelmed. I think it may be better to to view the forum as a subway car - just get on and move forward, not try to walk back and inspect all the cars.

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