Elder is calling friends, JC any day now!

by BurnTheShips 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Here is what happened in the case of me and my wife.

    We both had been gone for months. The Elders knew that I had stopped attending because I felt their teachings appeared wrong but didn't have anything against me and I ignored them completely. My wife eventually stopped attending as well.

    We where not bothered by the Elders until they had a tip off by my mother-in-law that we had joined the YMCA. JS's followed shortly after.

    The important thing I realized in all of this is that the Elders wanted to use the threat of disfellowshipping to get us to come back to meetings, because not going to meetings is what they really where angry at us for. When they realized that they could no longer get us to come back on a regular basis they decided to DF. I DA'd before they could get to me but they did DF my wife.

    The main thing to realize is that they wish to get dirt on you so that they can give you an ultimatum.

    If they have no 'dirt' then I would just stay as far away from them as possible. As per them asking about you going to different 'churches' it is a common thing for Elders to do that if people all of a sudden leave. I was asked it a few times.

  • AuldSoul
    And since we started to fade, we do more things together that we did not do as dubs. For example, we now have a weekly family bible study. We are actually reading John without the WT blinders on.

    We are also praying together more. It seems like we are more spiritual people now that we actually focus on God and not on what a man made org demands of us.

    Now you have me weepy. I sure hope I can one day write the same. I am disassociated, but my wife is still an active JW. Some things happening lately in my extended family are making her seriously question, and I hope it takes root and flourishes. She is too beautiful of a person to abandon her true form only to adopt the shape of a religion.


  • greendawn

    What a troublesome newcomer and slimy bastard to grass you out just to promote his career, a very selfish person. The JWs shouldn't be that narrow minded and arrogant, if a JW shouldn't attend other churches then no non dub should come to their KHs either.

  • bennyk
    (From the Flock book, pp. 94,95:)

    If it is learned that a person has taken up association with

    another religious organization, the matter should be investigated,

    and if verified, a committee should be formed .

    If it is clearly established that the person has joined

    another religion and intends to remain with it, the

    elders would make a brief announcement to the congregation

    that such one has disassociated himself. (w86

    10/15 p . 31)

    So merely leaving a church building may not be a problem (especially if you point out the above to them).

    However, it really all depends on your local Body of Elders (i.e. your mileage may vary).

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