thank you dear. :)
may need some help soon
by Missanna 51 Replies latest jw experiences
thank you dear. :)
Way to go MissAnna! The ball is in her court. I've been keeping up with your story, very interesting. Expect a lot of anger from your family for some time. They might see the light one day.
Great come back, I wont show you mine if you dont show me yours, you cut the legs right out from under her. When I went to the draftboard, shows how old I am, they told me the same thing, here I was all prepared to defened the WT beliefs, and they said they knew what the WT taught, they wanted to know what I believed.
In this situation I quote what the WT has taught that is wrong, dates and prophecies, the trends of nuetrality in other countries that have cost witnesses thier lives and let them bribe officials in other countries to get out of military service.
If you havent got a copy of Franzes book, Crisis of Conscience, he tells all and backs it up.
Love and God bless
Funny..when i read this thread it was like exactly what i asked my mom the other day. How is Jehovah manifesting his approval or blessing on the witnesses only??? What evidence shows this?..Her answer was somewhat disappointing. I expected so much more from someone who dedicated their whole life to the organization...She said the which i responded..big increase in evangelists too in latin america....and this was the killer.....happy people in the organization...first, happiness is not limited to just witnesses...i mean i just had to ask "how would you know?" are you drinking coffee with your neighbors or socializing at all with them??? I can name you a couple families who are perfectly happy (non church going) and have nice decent moral lives...on the other hand..I can name you several broken up homes within the congregation and depressed unhappy people.... my advice to you...don't expect too can try to reason..hopefully your sister will reason..but I know I just lost alot of respect for a person I always considered an intelligent thinking woman.....
White Dove
Very good response to your sister. She wanted your unsubstantiated (no proof sited) answers and you demanded same from her. Good girl! A friend of mine told me that I wanted proof JW's were wrong, but that I had no proof they were right. Wow! I wish you the best. I would try a snow job on dad and melt honey all over him while telling him your reasons. Dripping honey loaded love all over my dad always worked for me and made my dad respect my decisions. Burning bridges with ultimatums is kinda dangerous.
aikido of the mind. Well done!
Good job Anna!
Are you comfortable discussing the ever changing blood issue? The "we can take fractions but not whole blood" stand is easy to refute.
Well done, MissAnna! I loved your approach. The less said, the more they have to think-I'm thinking:)
well, we got the letter, and anna showed it to me. we wrote a rebuttal tonight. i will get anna to post it all here. her letter and ours. i will tell you guys, her reasons were so invalid, we had no problem tearing them apart. it was mostly the usual crap of,all the love we have, we are persecuted, only we do the preaching work, no after life, some real ho hum stuff, no facts, no proof. i am excited for you guys to read everything.