I shelve so many books at work on the "Power" of prayer."
Stormie Omartian has made an industry out of these books.
Prayer is the only way of absolutely testing whether or not God exists and testing what Jesus said as being true.
It fails utterly!
Christians are the first to discover this.
It is the dirty little secret of Christianity.
You have to use a giant filter on your thinking.
ANYTHING AT ALL that turns out well is God answering a prayer.
EVERYTHING BAD is not God, but, Satan.
In other words, you disable your rational cognitive powers and refuse to allow proof positive to alert you and you are home free.
I'd love to gather the most ardent praying believers in Yankee Stadium for a prayer TEST.
A large collection of logs would be placed in the center and doused with water. Then, prayer would commence for God to demonstrate His power by lighting the logs.
p.s. This test was performed in the Old Testament and worked like a charm!
Any takers?
(sound of crickets.......)