OK, so White Dove, is a hooker sexually moral?
Are Your Morals The Same As When You Were A Witness?
by minimus 84 Replies latest jw friends
Witness' have no Morals, they have rules. It is all about doing what you are told, not what is right. That is why I am not one.
Abstaining from sex dose`nt make you a moral person..JW`s are some of the most immoral people on the planet...OUTLAW
White Dove
Did that hooker wreck anyone's life? Did she steal his wallet? Did the trick commit adultry with her? If so, yes, she is immoral because she hurt another person, who in this case is the man's wife/girlfriend. She is now known as "the other woman." His wife/girlfriend would be in her moral and scriptual right to spear him and her through their genitals. Phenius was praised by God for doing this deed thereby saving Israel from God's fury. Since excommunicating a person for dirtying their body thereby making it unfit for worship in Israelite times is used now to justify DF'ing for smoking, then killing the unfaithful mate and his 'ho' would in turn be praise worthy of God. The LAW is alive and well (at least when it suits the FDS's means).
Lustfully yours, Chenoa
I realize that Outlaw, but I'm asking about SEXUAL immorality. Do you believe it only refers to adultery or having sex with someone other than a committed partner of yours?
White Dove
I think morals must come from the heart, not rules dictated by overlords who refuse to answer questions on the grounds that your questions betray your lack of faith and shouldn't be asked. JW's are not moral, just blindly obedient.
I guess that I can say, from a biblical viewpoint, anyone that practices "fornication", having sex without being married, would be "immoral". Other than, I don't lie or cheat or steal or even kill anyone else!
Do you view yourself a "moral" or "immoral" person and why??
I looked up moral, capable of conforming to the rules of right conduct: a moral being.
I havent changed much since my witnoid days.
The ones who makes the rules of right and wrong are the ones with the gold. Thats why they call it the golden rule. I have come to detest and abhor them. In many cases they got the gold by breaking the rules, the Kennedy family for example. And the Bush family. Nazzi supporters. Then when they get the gold they want everyone to follow their rules.
I am a moral person, because I havent really been given the opportunity not to be. The law keeps me in line. I know for every action there is a reaction, cause and effect. I try to think about the consequences of my behavior and actions before I act.
Does that make me moral or just smart enough to think things through?
The definition I cited read capable of following the rules, which kind of infers intellectual and emotional capacity.
Minimus..The thread is about Sex?..Ok!..I like sex!..LOL!......Unless your in a committed relationship,it`s nobodys business but your own.....Meddling in someones private sex life is immoral.....Unless the farmer next door has told you more than once to stay away from his sheep!..LOL!!...OUTLAW
If so, yes, she is immoral because she hurt another person, who in this case is the man's wife/girlfriend.
Personally, I would think the cheater would be the "immoral" one. The hooker wouldn't necessarily even know if her client is in a relationship. Even if she asks, a cheater probably wouldn't answer truthfully anyway. I've had women cheat on me in the past, and I've never felt any animosity toward the persons they cheated with. Why should I? They didn't even know I existed.
Another thing I can't understand is violence toward an unfaithful mate. I can't see that it's worth the loss of freedom or life. Everyone involved loses. Best to just move on.
So, is there such a thing as sexual immorality?? Yes or no? Give an example if "yes".
depends on what you think is immoral..
do I or have I had sex w/o being married.. yes..
do I consider myself sexually immoral.. no