Russell was a freemason. It has been recorded in his own material, his admittance to being a Freemason." I am very glad to have this particular opportunity of saying a word about some of the things in which we agree with our Masonic friends, because we are speaking in a building dedicated to Masonry, and we also are Masons. I am a Freemason." Charles Taze Russell. (The Temple of God-Pastor Russell page 120)
No Jesus was the foundation stone; there were no stones chiseled out before he came; none could be accepted before that. He did the great work of founding this great order to which we belong, the order of free and Accepted Masonry. (The Temple of God-Pastor Russell page 121)
You know that in these orders of Masonry, as they progress from one step to another; they learn more and more, and there are Masons in the thirty-second degree that know a great many things that Masons on the fourteenth or sixteenth plane that would not know. (The Temple of God-Pastor Russell page 123)
Albert Pike addressing the 23 Supreme Councils of the world on July 14, 1889:- "To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: 'the Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the LUCIFERIAN Doctrine. . ."
Mat 21:42] Jesus said to them, "Did you never read in the scriptures: 'The stone that the builders (aka Freemasons) rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes'?
[Mat 21:43] Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.
A thousand years during which these Knights Templars are to scatter blessings to all the families of the Earth. We may not wear our white feathers now but we will all have white raiment by and by. "They shall walk with Him in white for they are worthy." Now the question arises, How can we become members of this order? Would you like to become one of these Knights Templar on a heavenly plane. (The Temple of God-Pastor Russell page 122)
"The symbol of Baphomet was used by the Knights Templar to represent Satan. The Baphomet represents the powers of darkness combined with the regenerative fertility of the goat. In its 'pure' form, the pentagram is shown encompassing the figure of a man in the five points of the star -- three points up, two pointing down symbolizing man's spiritual nature." ["Temple of Satan",
See an early edition of the Watchtower with the Masonic crown and cross on its cover.
Information taken from Robert Howard at his website