. He spent about five years writing on methods of world revolution under orders and pay from the Rothschild Dynasty with the aim of establishing One World Government. He called this government "The Novus Ordo Seculorum" (New Age or New World Order), which is also the title of his book published in May 1, 1776
Unfortunately, at this time only Rothschild's father, Mayer, was a businnessman, and his business was little, with ONLY Guillaume of Austria. The first big affair of Rothschild with this prince took place in 1789, before Mayer selled to the prince only rare nusmimatic pieces for the personnal collection of the Prince.
Mayer lived in the ghetto of Francfort on Main not in Bavaria. All the Rotschild was orthodox jews who didn't care of esoterism even Kabballa.
How could someone could write this kind of stuff ?