Your husband deserves a pat on the back! Do be careful not to leave the kids alone with the grandparents. Why don't they just visit at your place or a public place for about an hour at a time and see how it goes?
My hubby just laid down some rules to my elder dad
by Es 51 Replies latest jw friends
Good for your Hubby.
Too bad the joggies are so f****d up as to pull shit like this.
Wow Es, your dad is a stickler for the rules, isn't he! Then again, some JW grandparents never make any effort to try and see their grandkids - they shun the whole family.
To someone who has never been a JW, it must all seem very strange.
Good on you Mike for taking a stand.
I recall the Society once commenting on situations like these. Their twisted position was that, when persons they disfellowship limit or restrict access to their children by grandparents, it is a terribly sad and selfish thing. The arrogance is tremendous. Basically it goes something like this...
'We reserve the right, as God's official agents, to disfellowship and enforce a group shunning upon any of those among us. We shall even threaten family members not to speak to them. But, (since we are obviously the correct and holy ones,) it is expected that all of those upon whom we've shat shall continue to have full respect for us and our rules--always allowing full access to their children by active JW family members, who of course will continue to defecate upon their disfellowshipped relations.'
drew sagan
JWs have the hardest time trying to save face when dealing with people who are not JWs. The more pressure your hubby puts the better. He shouldn't get hateful (doesn't sound like he is) but simply remain firm. It's a rare case that a JW has to defend their absurd beliefs to a non believer and when then do it can be a faith shaker! -
Bravo! What I like best on how your hubby handled it is that he dealt with it when it happened. There was an immediate response, and there was no time to forget the incident or weasel out of it. I also like that the excuse was cut-off midway. So, talking to his daughter might cause him some complications as an elder, huh? Compared to what? Children wondering why grandpa never talks to their mommy?
Sounds like your husband's got it together. Good job.
But I do have a question... "mob phone"? Is that short for "mobile phone" or is your husband in the Mafia? I couldn't help but picture Tony Soprano answering his cell phone when you said your dad called your husband's "mob phone".
I think that is wonderful. Your dad was out of line and your husband let him know it, pronto.
Sometimes I think it's best to shun the shunners.
Recently an elder called Mike's mob phone wanting to speak to me, the only person who could have passed on that info was my elder dad.
Why did he give an elder your phone number? What did the elder want to speak to you about? If your dad is an elder, couldn't he have told you the information?