Ok, here's the situation.
I have no friends that live close to me and I'm up to my eyeballs in bills. I have applied to a few jobs that could potentially help me turn things around. The things is, because I don't have parents/friends or any other people in my life...
1. How do I get a babysitter when I have to go on the interviews?
2. How do I get a babysitter for the weeks I work when I'm not getting paid? (the transition part)
3. Already asked ex and he can't do it.
How do you work things out like this? I can not afford a babysitter until I get my first paycheck (which can take 2-3 weeks) and every outfit requires you to pay each week. The jobs (which are very good positions) can call me at any point. YIKES!!!
I'm on the verge of panic