Welcome back, RR! I hope you're writing your (soon to be best selling) biography as you go!
by RichieRich 73 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome back, RR! I hope you're writing your (soon to be best selling) biography as you go!
Glad you're back Richie!
Damn, RR.
Thank you for putting my bits of drama into perspective!
Glad you out into the sunshine that comes without stripes.
Peace out,
oh my - what an experience. It can't be just the lawyer's fault, if you showed up in court, seems the court clerks might have screwed up too. I am impressed by your graceful way of handling it all - you seem to be a cheerful go with the flow kind of person.
OMG! That's precious. When I disappear, I'm just sick of all things jehovah. When you do, an idiot lawyer (probably includes more of them than I intended) screws up and gets you sent to the big house. Oh well, it takes all of us...
$100,000.00 bail? Wow...oh, well, glad you got out. At least you didnt' have to go to the big house.
Oh man that lawyer of yours sucks!
Glad your out of the pen.
A Few Words on Jail Life:
Food- You are given just about 2500 calories a day. Meals are at 06:30, 11:30, and 16:30. You are awake however, until 23:45- making you SUPER hungry at somewhere around 21:00. The Jail does have a comissary service, which you can order from on Mondays. A variety of overpriced snack foods are offered. Emphasis on overpriced, not variety. Usually at least 3 or for meals a week are completely detestable to the majority of the inmates ( tuna salad, bologna sandwiches, etc.) and so this is one a few of the inmates rack up. They are able to choke the stuff down, and they get as much of it as they want.
People- The majority of the inmates were Black, and the rest, with the exception of a handful of whites, were Hispanic. Most everyone was in for something petty- no one was looking at any more than 5 years. Interaction was awkward for me at first, since I had aversions to them due to them being criminals, and they had aversions to me since I'm a big bald white guy who's heavily tattooed. I started playing cards and found it to be a quick way to pass the time. The game was usually Spades, and occasionally Rummy, and they were always action packed and enjoyable. I had a regular Spades partner, JP, an older black gentleman in for receiving stolen property. He knew how to stack a deck of cards, and taught me quickly, and we became a 2 headed Spades playing machine. It was fun and gave me a vehicle to interact with a lot of other inmates and get to know them. Other pasttimes included chess and hair braiding. (I played a bit more chess and not so much hair braiding.
Sleeping- Lockdown was at 23:45, and you were expected to be in your cell by then. You weren't required to go to sleep, just to stay in there, so most people did calisthenics and then read until early in the AM. A few inmates would whisper funny litte things through the vent system, and so there was usually something keeping most people chuckling for a few minutes. After breakfast at 06:30, most people returned to bed until lunch. Those who chose to stay awake remained quiet out of respect (and fear of upsetting the majority populace.).
Cells- Each person is given their very own deluxe 11 foot by 8 foot cell. It consisted of metal bedframe with a drawer under it, and a shelf with 2 hooks for hanging things. Each cell has a 24" x 36" window with thick metal bars over it. It was nice to be able to look out, even though I could only see dumpsters. For your bed, you're given 2 sheets and 2 wool blankets. The blankets were itchy, so I put the 2 blankets under my mattress (if you can call it that) to create a pillow, and slept between the 2 sheets. The Cell has very bright lights in it, and at night time, a 100w lightbulb (called a "nightlight:) comes on. It's significantly darker than the regular lights, but once your eyes adjust, it seems just as bright. I slept with a shirt wrapped around my head to block out the light.
Clothes- Each inmate gets 2 complete outfits per week. You can alternate them every other day, or wear one for half a week and then switch to the other- it was your choice. They come in 2 sizes, too damn big and too damn small, and lucky me, I usually got too damn big. The couple of times I got an outfit that was too damn small, I was able to trade with someone else so I didn't have to waddle around in a pair of pants that fit like a tattoo.
Crime and Punishment- A lot of things most people don't worry about in the free world are big issues for inmates. You aren't allowed to keep any plastic in your room, and you aren't allowed to disagree with the officers. I got in a disagreement with a black female officer, and she found it necessary to make a comment about my appearance, and thus I made a comment about hers (she had dreadlocks- I told her loudly she looked like the Predator). That bought me a 24 hour vacation by my lonesome in isolation. It was rather peaceful, I read and slept to pass the time. The next day, I came out, and it was all ok.
Love and Lust- Most of the inmates were just as homophobic as anyone else. Contact wasn't really encouraged- even handshakes were few and far between. No one was gay, and there was no sodomy to say the least.
Showers- No communal showers. What a relief. Instead, there were individual shower stalls where you could catch athelete's foot in complete solitude. Unfortunately, the shower's weren't hot unless ALL the showers were occupied, so you had to literally ask a few other people to shower "with" you so you could all enjoy the warm water. The shower was a good place for me to be- it allowed me some private reflection time and a chance to feel clean.
Body art and Inmates- There were several inmates with several tattoos, but I was the most heavily modified. Also, my large stretched lobes were topics of conversation, and I often put spoons in them, or ran my fingers through them and stretched them out. For those of you who know me well, you know that I have rather large comical concept pieces of tattoo work, and this was a subject of discussion for many inmates and the guards. Everytime I had to be hand cuffed, the guard would say "hey. is that an ice cream cone?" and then they'd lead me around and show me off to the other guards. A couple of times, I was asked to hang handcuffs from my earlobes, and I did, much to the guards' satisfaction.
Well- that's about all I have to say about that.
Other pasttimes included chess and hair braiding.
Ummm Hair Braiding? Is that a euphemism?? Maybe I don't want to know...
-Denise. (Now will read the rest of the post.)